Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Ashton, Jennifer Dr. (2009, August 17). Weighing Possible H1N1 Vaccine Risks. The Early Show-CBS News. Retrieved February 3, 2010, from

Dr. Jennifer Ashton states that the possibility of contracting Gullian-Barre Syndrome, a neurologic brain disorder, is 3 out of 100. But that the H1N1 vaccination is could possibly cause the disorder and that about 80 percent have a possibility of recovering from the disorder on the onset of the first sight of symptom and 20% have a chance of dying from the disorder if contracted.

Raloff, Janet. (2009, November 2). Science News. H1N1 Vaccine: Counting Side Effects. Retrieved February 15, 2010, from

Science News is a online scientific magazine. This is a useful article because it gives a scientific view of the chances of having a negative side effect after receiving the vaccination. It gives a different view of the vaccination. Breaking down statistically the chances of contracting a disorder or even death and who is more likely for this to occur to.

“Rader Programs - Specializing in the Treatment of all Eating Disorders including Anorexia, Bulimia, and Compulsive Overeating.”  Rader Programs. 4 November 2004.

This is a home page is a compilation of websites on eating disorders and body image related topics, all put together by Rader Programs. Rader Programs have been in business for over 20 years and host classes that help people suffering from eating disorders.  Their organization is great proof that many people in America are seriously suffering with their body image. 

Sypeck, Mia F.  “No longer just a pretty face: Fashion magazines' depictions of ideal female beauty from 1959 to 1999.”  International Journal of Eating Disorders.  Nov 2004, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p342.  

This article tells the media's depiction of the ideal of feminine beauty as presented to American women was examined for the years 1959-1999. Trends were investigated through an analysis of cover models appearing on the four most popular American fashion magazines. The trends prove body size for fashion models decreased significantly during the 1980s and 1990s. Additionally, there was also a dramatic increase in the frequency with which the media depicted the entire bodies of the models from the 1960s to the 1990s.

Matthews, Dawn D.  Eating Disorders Sourcebook: basic consumer health information about  eating disorders, including information about anorexia nervosa...  Detroit, MI:  Omnigraphics, 2001.

This is a very informational book that has basic consumer health information about eating disorders. It includes information about anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, bdd, and several other eating disorders. It has a vast amount of information about causes, adverse affects, and treatment and prevention issues.  It also features a section on concerns specific to children and adolescents and resources for further help and information.  This book offers much pertinent and important information that is directly related to my focus.  It also has a lot of statistics about eating disorders in Chapter 4 that I will use as supporting information in my paper.  Chapter 5 has medical and psychological aspects of eating disorders that help me understand why people have ...
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