Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Kirsch, Adam. "SMASHED."The New Yorker 14 Mar. 2005: 132. Literature Resource Center.Web. 14 Nov. 2012.

The excerpt narrates and discusses the kind of beliefs and the ideology that Charles Bukowski maintained during his life time as a poet. While many considered him an odd personality, some continue to show the best and most effective outcome that not only changed the course of poetry, but brought about memorable 'thrills' that each writer experienced with the work that was displayed over the years. With his uncanny style of poetry and delivering point of views so rare and hard to find, while he proposes to earn the approval of his most favored fans, he still remains much difficult for many to continue to admire.

Kessler, Stephen. "Bukowski Unbound." Poetry Flash 238 (Jan. 1993): 1. Rpt. in Poetry Criticism. Ed. Carol T. Gaffke. Vol. 18. Detroit: Gale Research, 1997. Literature Resource Center. Web. 14 Nov. 2012.

In the light of narrating for the work that Charles Bukowski promoted and attempted in the last of his days not only symbolized the changes and the challenges that have been experienced by this 'irascible bard', but also narrates about the kind of lost anticipation and the feelings of boredom that people started to witness in the work of Bukowski, going from 'frank' to 'philosophical', in more ways than one. As per the writer, this not only shook the kind of reputation that Bukowski had earned over the years, but also the fact that he had lost the 'zing' of his writing, while addressing the adversities and cruelties of life, the one trait he had earned remarkable success during his entire lifetime.

Harrison, Jim. "King of Pain." The New York Times Book Review 25 Dec. 2007: 17(L). Literature Resource Center. Web. 14 Nov. 2012.

In this piece, not only did Harrison ...
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