Ankylosis Spondilitis And Massage

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Ankylosis Spondilitis and Massage

Ankylosis Spondilitis and Massage


Ankylosis Spondylitis


Ankylosing spondylitis can be seen as some sort of an autoimmune disease as it is known in chronic cases and in its early onset it resembles many autoimmune diseases. That is the body's frontline defense or its own immune system apparently destroys the soft tissue lining the spinal column and attacks the soft tissues covering the joints in a fit of self-destruction.


A type of arthritis that affects principally the spine, is scientifically called ankylosing spondylitis, it is a very painful and chronic condition of spinal injury cause due to a fusion of the disc in the spinal cord. Strangely, it is in large part more prevalent in males and also seems to choose a choice age group, generally men somewhere from twenty to forty years of age, though why this particular demographic group has the highest incidence of this type is not known, the reasons could be that this age group is very active physically, however it does not deduct from the fact that this is a very painful and persistent condition.

Varying in its development over the years with stages of progression and times of apparent remission in its severity, resembling many rheumatic diseases in its development process. The sudden occurrence of severe back pain is a typical symptom of its onset in an individual, these back pains usually arrive around early morning and after a period in bed, and the individual has a sensation of stiffness in the body. In the course of a day, there is a lessening of the pain and for all practical purposes the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis seem to disappear during the daytime. These stiffness and the associated pains of ankylosing spondylitis are not always acute of severe in all cases and the pain associated with the onset of this disease seems to vary from one individual to another.

In its first stage, other symptoms like eye infection or acute pain in the heel often comes along with the general severe back pain. As the disease progresses, however, there is a deposition of minerals around the previously inflamed tissue in the spinal region as vertebrae are fused together in an unnatural posture often termed medically with the nickname “bamboo spine” and the fusion of these disparate elements of the spine is what causes acute pain, this complete fusion can be halted and a “bamboo spine” does not necessarily develop in all cases of ankylosing spondylitis. In itself it may not be life threatening, but the general pain and stiffness in the spine caused by this disease is not a very pleasant experience. In severe and chronic cases acute ankylosing spondylitis may cause the entire spinal region to stiffen along its length, this causes a very big discomfort and hinders natural movement as persons thus affected may not be able to twist and turn normally, and their ability to even bend down in a simple manner may be greatly hindered.


Ankylosing spondylitis comes to light most frequently between the ...