Ankylosing Spondylosis

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Ankylosing Spondylosis


In this research, we have discussed the disease named Ankylosing Spondylosis, which causes inflammation in spine and area around it. We have discussed its clinical signs and diagnosis and the pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment and pain management. In addition we have also described a futuristic outlook of this disease with respect to its treatment progress and development. Further more, we have discussed the drugs used for the treatment of this disease and its side effects. The role of therapist and therapies has also been explained with respect to AS and its preventions with regard to therapies.

Table of Contents


Ankylosing Spondylosis2

Ankylosing Spondylosis in view of Pathophysiology2

Ankylosing Spondylosis in view of Epitiology3

Clinical manifestations3




Review of Drugs and Therapies6

Concerns of Physical Therapist12



Ankylosing Spondylosis


In this research, we have discussed the disease of Ankylosing Spondylosis. It's association with Pathophysiology, Etiology, clinical symptoms and adequate diagnosis being practiced currently, and tactics to manage pain during AS. In addition, Drugs and medicines including therapies being given to patients to prevent the disease and their side effects. Role of Therapies and Therapist in treatment of the disease is also considered.

Ankylosing Spondylosis

It is one of the forms of chronic infection in the spine and the sacroiliac joints, which are found at the lower back portion of the body where sacrum i.e. bones above the tailbone, is joined with iliac bones i.e. the bones joint with the upper buttocks. Irritation and infection in these joints produces pain and toughness in the spine i.e. spondylitis. Continuous infection can cause fixed fusion of backbones and such a process is called ankalyosis, which can further lead to the lack of flexibility and stability in back (Sieper. J. 2002).

Ankylosing Spondylosis in view of Pathophysiology

Ankylosing Spondylosis or AS is a kind of disease that affects the whole body, according to research, 90% people report that this disease is inherited to them as a result of genetics transformation and 5% reported the opposite. Tumor necrosis factor alpha i.e. one of the types of messenger protein, and Interleukin 1 family i.e. factor that helps in regulation of immune system, are also associated to AS. Science has still not discovered any auto antibodies for AS, although cytoplasmic antibodies are linked to AS but are not proved to be helpful in regard of disease rigorousness. According to the study conducted that ANCA was found only in 6 patients out of 40. According to research, AS arises as a result of bacterial infection in respiratory system i.e. Klebsiella bacterial genius. Science has discovered that reduced use of starches can improve musculature and skeleton structure. But studies have so far discouraged the correlation between these two factors. A study has proved that 12 weak therapies prove to be helpful in overcoming Klebsiella and improving health of patients with AS (Skogh. H. L. T. and Kihlström. E. 1999).

Ankylosing Spondylosiin view of Etiology

With regard to AS, its Etiology is undiscovered. However science can only comment on the genetic and environmental factors that could cause the AS disease (Khan., 2002).

Clinical manifestations

The main symptoms of AS are ...