Animal Testing

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Animal testing


Animal testing / experimentation on animals is the use of non-human animals in scientific experiments. It is assumed that 50 to 100 million vertebrate animals worldwide - from zebra fish non-human primates - are used annually .Although much larger numbers of invertebrates are used and the use of flies and worms as model organisms is very important experiments (Nielsen 355). Experiments on invertebrates are largely unregulated and not included in the statistics. Most of the animals euthanized after use in the experiment. While the majority of animals are specifically bred, others may be caught in the wild or supplied by dealers who obtain them from auctions and pounds.

Many groups and organizations discuss whether not test on animals should be prohibited. Some people believe that there are reasons why animal testing should be done. Others believe that testing on animals is morally wrong. Some experts also believe that there are other options.

Animal testing

There has been much debate about using animals in experiments for decades. People converse in a variety of alternatives to animal testing, scientists and inhumane way to treat these animals in experiments (Watson 64). This topic is very controversial, because there are ethical issues to consider, such as the treatment of animals and support testing of these animals, if it is for the ultimate goal or not. Currently, I am testing on animals for many useful reasons to come out of animal testing. Although in some cases, animals may be abused; there were so many discoveries to medicine with the testing of these drugs on animals.

Scientists use animals to test the theory, and then change their theory, based on valuable information from each experiment. Animal rights activists believe that animals are used for meaningless tests and suffer tremendously (Burghardt 501). They tend to look away from the fact that animals have given millions of people around the world a new outlook on life and would prefer to see only the negative side effects of animal testing, far outweighs the positive things animal testing contributed to the medical world. They do not realize that animals in their opinion, is detrimental to not only influence their lives in some way, but the influence of their families, friends, and children by providing people with vaccines and antibiotics that deserve more accreditation than what they label them .

Tests on animals should be outlawed because it is harmful and unnecessary. For the animals feel the same pain that we, as people feel? How do we know that other people feel the pain? We know that we ourselves can feel pain. We know this from direct experience, having a finger slammed in a drawer, or putting out your legs on a chair.

Pain is what I felt and we can only assume that other people feel the pain of the external signs, such as our own, as crying, screaming, twitching or something (Hester Harrison 123). If we can justify what other people feel pain, why he says that animals feel pain? When the animal ...
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