Animals for long are being used by human for a variety of purposes. These include animals being used as a means to circumvent hunger, their wool and leather being used for clothes and accessories such as bags, shoes, etc. Another industry where animals are being used by humans is in the entertainment industry.
It has been observed that this wild life is being caged and used in circuses as well as zoos as a means to provide entertainment. The atmosphere that these animals are exposed to is of extreme torture and physical abuse. This is considered grave sin.
Just like humans, animals also have a right to freedom to live their lives without being exploited by human beings. They too have feelings, and they register pain and go through death just like humans.
There are societies and organization that are striving for animal right. Their aim is to make people (human beings) realize that they should not discriminate where it comes to animal right but be sensitive. By using animals as a source of entertainment, not caring about the harsh methods they are exposed to is not at all termed legal. (Rachels, 31)
Animals are forced to work in circuses, where they are caged and not given the liberty to move amount. Wild life animals are usually used in circuses for entertain. As noted wild life animals tend to survive when they are not confined. They are allowed to live and move about in the nature.
The dream of such animals will definitely be of running away from the circus and go home which is towards wild life. The colorful circus and the music distract the Point that these animals that are dressed up are trapped and are being forced to do such hurtful acts. This is not at all legal; in fact it is illegal to use animal for entertainment not caring how much pain and discomfort the animal is going through during the act. Even if they cannot speak they have senses that register pain. Coming down to abuses that animal in circuses face, it has been noted that animals in circuses spend years with their legs chained. Often they are forced to sleep standing up in crowded trucks. It is a must for them act even if they are sick, and they constantly receive threats of punishments. These punishments involve great hooks sharp edge of their sensitive skin on their faces, in the toes and behind knees.
Elephants are trained to be strong. It is part of their practice to beat them, scare them, chain them and whip them to make them do tricks they cannot comprehend. For a recently captured baby elephants he/ she are exposed to torture by tying and beating him/ her daily for a month. In their natural habitats, elephants are extremely social, rummaging for food, raising babies, and taking long walks and playing together. The circus deprives them of all their freedom and family life. This makes one realize that there is definitely cruelty involved with ...