Ancient Roman Government

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Ancient Roman Government


Before going into this investigation of Government and law it is essential to remember that over the course of over a thousand years the Romans themselves changed. They changed as a society and as individuals.

They were once an exceedingly austere people but riches and achievement conveyed an expanding yearn for the refined luxuries of the East. But just to bring home what a thousand years might signify we can envisage how we might be distinct in 2005 from those who lived in the year 1005.

throughout the first two and a half centuries since its origin "Ab Urbe Condita", Rome was a city-state directed by monarchs. The king was supreme ruler of the city-state and his power over the citizens was consolidated by his personal hot-line with the gods. The king habitually made sure he kept the title as both supreme infantry and devout authority.

This tidy government-religion secure was broken down by the people of Rome when they expelled the last king and the kingdom became a Republic. When the Republic later became an domain, Government and Religion were cleverly remarried by Emperor Augustus and his successors.

all through all these distinct time span the structure of society remained more or less constant. humanity since Romulus' origin of the town had been divided into separate categories with characterised privileges. The noble Patricians were at the top, the Plebs in the middle and the slaves at the base of the pyramid. There were furthermore the knights (Equites) and free merchant foreigners ("Clientes"). All those who were free could themselves be differentiated as

Ingenui -those who were free and born of free parents

Liberti - those who were before slaves but had been set free

Libertini - those who were free but born of Liberti.

Movement over communal classes was really likely, especially during the domain. Poor plebeians might deal themselves or their young kids into slavery in the wish of acquiring a rich and possibly caring expert. Slaves could pay their way out of slavery. A twosome of generations and financial success could convey you to equestrian or even senatorial rank.


The Roman culture is greatly influenced Western Civilization, Greeks contributed more to the western world than the Romans. The Greeks used their own ideas and thought of new ways to add to their culture, while the Romans mostly mixed and matched ideas from other civilizations and cultures to make their own. The Romans took up the inheritance of the Greeks' adapted it to their own language and national traditions (Grant 2). The Greeks introduced many new ideas and traditions, the most important being democracy - Athenian democracy in particular.


The Ancient Roman Government

The paper Democracy in Rome by North John discusses that after the Dark Age, the population in Greece grew so quickly that soon, there were way too many free peasants. These peasants realized that nobody could stop them if they tried to make some changes because there was so many of them, so they insisted on having their voices heard by the ...
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