Ancient Greek History

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Ancient Greek History

I, Neofotoo, have been afforded a most sole and rousing opportunity. I will not delve into too more particulars but you should appreciate this: I am a man who was thirty-five when Pericles passed away in 429 BC, a man who was commencing to slide into aged age by the end of the Peloponnesian War. Yet numerous years after the end of the combat, when I was in my fifty-third year, I woke up one early to find myself in a time and position that should have been fully completed impossible. Right now, as I draft this, the year is 260 BC. Somehow, I am presently residing in a time that is well past the scope of my planed lifespan. And not only did I rouse to a foreign time, but in addition to a foreign land, namely Egypt. Yes, numerous years in the past I accepted such an impractical astonish from the gods.

In the time since, I have toured all throughout Egypt, encouraged by the work of Herodotus. Not only have I encountered myself in a circumstances where I have toured to far and unfamiliar land, like Herodotus when he was bringing ahead his Histories, but I have in addition inhabited by two distinct times. And what is rightly amazing is that Greeks have become the ruling class here in Egypt, though alternatively of the republican procedure my glorious Athens birthed into alive there is a Greek monarchy in its stead: of this I will have much to say.

I plan draft for both my own clarity of reflected, since like to appreciate this new time and position in family member to my own, and because I expect my sole consideration will perform as a expensive account of Greek society and its effects over its barbarian neighbors. Also, though I am drafting with the support accepted by scholars from Ptolemaist' and his school at Alexandria, I intention to draft candidly about my views. Indeed, there are more things I have to declare, so I ought commence with an elucidation of my own time.

As a youth, I accepted the regular training bestowed to boys. At age seven I commenced joining school, where I was lectured to read, draft, figures, and music. Then there were the bodily training kinds that intensely organised us for our future soldiers service. I was the first teenager of a well-off family and made social family my career. During the current inhabitants before my own the Persian Wars happened, and it was from the end of this clash that ushered in a one 100 of Athenian dominance in Greek affairs. From the combats the Delian League came into alive, and Athens, as a many power, was the chief of this league. This is because Athens was the unchallenged guru of the open ocean, as well as the primary economic power. The primary statesman of my time was Pericles, who employed the tribute paid by the components of the Delian League to manufacture the Parthenon ...
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