Ancient Chinese

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Ancient Chinese Invention

Ancient Chinese Inventions

The Ancient Chinese were a very clever civilization who was capable of utilizing the materials they had available to make tools that they found useful. As with any civilization, as time went by the skills and materials improved, this improved the quality and (type of) tools available. There are some inventions that the Chinese are better known for these are important inventions, which eventually spread throughout the whole world. While China might currently be exporting huge quantities or products, it was once exporting very valuable information, which the rest of the world would have lost without.

Invention of ancient china


The ancients used all kinds of writing materials: clay plates, palm leaves or papyrus, sheepskin or sheep, wood, bamboo, hemp, but the China invented paper grinding two thousand years ago and pressing cloth wool or cotton, hemp, silk and wood. The role of cultural diffusion promoted and became everyday to write, paint and print books (Asiapac, 2004).


More than 3000 years in China using the seal that made in bone, stone or wood and were of different sizes, apply red ink. In the fourth century and was made the copied from gravestones to play characters and paintings. In about, 1000 AD C. printing press invented "movable type", for example, small pieces or cubes together with the character carved to form a sentence or paragraph. Movable type terra cotta (clay) was the most suitable because it is not deformed. This invention helped the economy of the wood until then used as material for making types (Adshead, 2004).


The magnet was known in China two thousand years ago. The first compass was made from lodestone. The forms were moving from a bucket on a square board or "sinan", then did the "fish indicator of the South" that floated on water in a bowl (the fish was made of wood and filled with natural magnet lodestone and sealed with an earwax). Later invented "the fish of steel" and "the magnetic needle." All these compasses operate on the principle of magnetism: the positive side, pointed north and negative south (Aczel, 2002). Compass accelerated the development of navigation. In the early tenth century, Chinese ships sailed the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, some went to Arabia. Thus, China opened sea routes to the various countries, these routes were called "routes of the needle."


Many took advantage of Chinese alchemists all, mineral or vegetable in the hope of getting the "elixir of immortality" or turn anything into gold. So, it was mixing saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal in correct proportions invented gunpowder. In the ninth century gunpowder was applied in war, causing a radical change in the combat arms (Adshead, 2000). The extensive use that gave the Chinese gunpowder was in the manufacture of fireworks, generally to celebrate weddings, New Year or for major traditional festivals, which is still used today.


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