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     Acording to the historic records Anastasia was born on June 5th 1901 as asserted by a Russian calendar which was 13 days behind remainder of the world at the time. She was born at the amazingly opulent Petrodvoretz Palace (Peterhof) out-of-doors of St. Petersburg, Russia and dwelled 16 priveleged years as the least old of a assembly of very charming, dignified and well-educated juvenile Romanov princesses. Anastasia not ever accomplished the personal stature of her older sister, Tatiana, who was often mentioned to as the biggest and most attractive Romanov princess. Olga and Marie were two older princesses renowned for their attractiveness and charm. Anastasia was very close to her junior male sibling, Alexii, who was the baby of the family and a hemophiliac.


Anastasia, the lost romanov princess

Lenin, the freezing hearted political idealist who in 1917 conveyed down the kingdom of Anastasia's dad (Nicholas II), was the genuine bad feature in the tragic factual article of the juvenile princess. Rasputin lived in genuine life but, as naughty a man as he may have been, he would not have been the kind to expressly murder 17 year vintage Anastasia and her family the way Lenin did.

The last authorized photograph Lenin's emblem of "communists" were adept to apprehend the 16 year vintage Anastasia and her family and shortly assertion power to rename Russia the "Soviet Union." But the Soviets (also called the "Reds" and the "Bolsheviks") were really not adept to subjugate all of the Russian persons for another 4 years. During a fiendish 4 year Civil War, Lenin, for political causes, required every last heir to the Russian crest eradicated so as to give the anti-communists no wish to rally round in refurbishing the revolutionary Russia to the "stability" of a monarchy rather than of a totalitarian communist state (noone gravely ...
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