Analyzing The Obama Administration

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Analyzing the Obama Administration

Barack Obama became 44th president of USA on January 20 2009. He is the first African American to hold the office. Being the first African American president, the journey that Barack Obama embarked on was difficult but he worked hard to win over voters with his many speeches that promised “Change”; the slogan of his campaign. As president Obama presented his inaugural speech, Americans all over the country witnessed a highly anticipated and great moment in history. (Patricia, 65). his is especially true for the two remaining Democrats, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Reporters covering the candidates have already resorted to traditional analysis of style — fashion choices, manner of speaking, even the way they laugh.

Different hats a president wears:

He requires the Opinion, in writing, from the highest official in each of the executive department on any matter relating to their official duties.

To grant a delay of enforcement, as well as pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment (not just their own, but officials of other levels).

Fill all vacancies in the period between sessions of the Senate, by granting the post, which expire at the end of its next session.

In extreme cases may convene both Houses of Congress, and any of them.

In case of disagreement between the two chambers of Congress on the transfer time of meetings, to carry them to such Time as he shall think proper.

U.S. President accepts ambassadors and other officials, must take care that the Laws be faithfully executed, shall certify to the office of all officers of the United States (Michael, 162). The Obama Administration is the government's current federal state of the United States of America, under the presidency of Barack Obama, from 20 January 2009. This government succeeded to the Bush administration. The ...
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