Analysis Of Technology Integration

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Analysis of Technology Integration

Analysis of Technology Integration


Innovation in educational practice is growing rapidly, as are the numbers of English language learners (ELLs) in the United States. While ELLs are learning a new language, they are also preparing to succeed in the workforce and/or further academic study. The challenge with these goals is that the world in which they will work and study often features vastly different uses of technology than their schools or prior experiences. Initiatives such as The Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2004) and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) have identified technology-related outcomes and standards, which are essential for learner success.

Implementing Podcasts and Blogs with ESOL Teacher Candidates' Preparation: Interpretations and Implications

This in-depth case study of three ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) teacher candidates investigates questions regarding their actions, attitudes, and perceptions toward the instructional uses of podcasts and blogs in a core assignment. This study reveals how they integrate these new instructional technology media while developing a case study for a specific English language learner (ELL) in a real-life classroom context. In this qualitative study, data sources include observations, research field notes, interviews, emails, dialogue, and a pre-term anonymous survey. Valuable results from this study include insight into transformative changes in ESOL teacher candidates' attitudes and perceptions, developing teacher professional identity while practicing innovative instructional technology, professional development, language teaching and instructional technology with digital-age children, and pedagogical reports for ELL classroom application. The educational significance includes, but is not limited to providing research-based podcasting practices for ESOL teacher candidates and ELL learners.


Podcasts are series of digital audio recordings which are posted on the web and pushed (or distributed) with the aid of a Rapid Simple Syndication feed (RSS feed). It is this RSSfeed, which allows podcatcher programs like iTunes, and Zunecast to obtain the newest episodes of the series immediately upon publication.


The blog technology is complementary to the podcast. A blog is a specific content management platform, which provides a user-friendly website, usually maintained with frequent entries and may host collaborative discussions easily. Indeed, in recent years, many individuals and organizations began adopting blogging platforms (Word Press, for example) to replace traditional web sites, due to the fact that blogs are much easier for nontechnical users to update with new content. Podcasters do not need to know program coding. Thus, this platform facilitates and hosts user created content achieving ...
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