Analysis Of Cathedral

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Analysis of Cathedral

Analysis of Cathedral


Cathedral is a simple story of the individual that is annoyed on learning that a friend of his wife is coming for visit, and that friend is blind (Carver, 1989). This story is comprehensively explained by “Raymond Carver” who is known as one of the popular short story teller of the twentieth century, and is famous of telling all the intense story of natural incidents that are faced by the American people. Raymond in this story describes the anxiety of a man that is getting jealous after hearing that a blind friend of his wife is coming for a visit (Lehman, 2006).

Individual major problem was not the visit of his wife friend, his real worry was that he is blind, and that clearly shows the feeling of that individual towards blind people. Individual was not worried about the name of that friend, rather his major concern was blindness, and he created a stereotype image of that person without even meeting this friend. According to the narrator, life of blind people is complete black, they walk extremely slowly, use stick to walk, blind people are used to wear dark clothes, their life has no colors, refreshment, excitement, and in short according to the narrator, the life of blind man is a dead life.

However, after meeting with the friend of his wife the stereotype image, that narrator created was tarnished, and he realized that he was wrong in judging the lifestyle of that blind people. After meeting with the blind man the narrator observed that this person is aware of his deficiencies, and is still enjoying his life as nothing has happen, and he is a normal person. After some time the narrator observes that, blind man has enjoyed every bit of life, as he has a high history of work, he has fulfilled all his relationships, and he is confident of himself.

Slowly and gradually, the stereotype image of blind man in narrators mind is changing, as according to him blind man uses his sense to analyze the presence of other individual, and judge their characteristic from his remarkable senses, further he observed that blind man used his hands to complete various task. For example, blind man after touching the face of his wife described that he has not forgotten the feeling of his touch” after his claims the narrator looked at his wife face ...
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