An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge; than any other single from the work of Ambrose Bierce got more critical attention, this may be a text because it combines deep into the middle of most of the Bills of the best Novel Distributed Component, Irony, satire, the manipulation, exposure to human self-deception, a surprise ending, and a stylistic compression and tension. It may be because the story is also not clear what its comments, leaving Mystery and revelation hovering just beyond the remnants of their own hands.
A bitter irony humor, sometimes, and sort of horror story, so many years forget. “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge " is the latter variety.
Story took place in the American Civil War. Peyton Farquhar, a southern gentleman who is the rebel soldiers, but not still a slave and rebel sympathizers, is standing on the Owl Creek Bridge, about to be hanged. He is inspired by a brief flashback. Farquhar, and has visited a disguised form of federal soldiers, was translated into the temptation of trying to destroy the bridge.
Flashback, the hanging begins. As Farquhar began to fall, he described the feeling of death. Then, the rope breaks and Farquhar was released. He successfully released his hands, remove the noose around his neck, and free swimming. Bridge fire in his Union soldiers, but he escaped. Then he wandered in the forest, eventually ending in his home. But he was going to meet his wife who is also happy to meet him; Farquhar was snapped back to reality. He hung his rope from the bridge, dead.
He did not say any of the terms, so that his death seems to be established or fair. He was only 35 years old, beautiful, has a "kind of expression," is married with children. For ...