I would first like to express my gratitude for my research supervisor, colleagues, peers and family whose immense and constant support has been a source of continuous guidance and inspiration.
I [type your full first names & surname here], declare that the following dissertation/thesis and its entire content has been an individual, unaided effort and has not been submitted or published before. Furthermore, it reflects my opinion and take on the topic and is does not represent the opinion of the University.
Background of the Study5
Problem Statement6
Objective of the Study7
Research Question7
Significance of the Study7
Trenchless Technology10
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)12
Productivity of Trenchless Technology Methods14
Previous Work in Micro-Tunneling Productivity15
Previous Work in Auger Boring Productivity17
Multilateral drilling Saudi Arabia19
Previous Work in HDD Productivity19
Deterministic Productivity Model for HDD20
Importance of Rock Mechanical Properties21
As rock is consider as the host of oil and gas, therefore rock mechanical behavior is a major component of many oil industry problems. The characterization of correct rock mechanics is in terms of formation of technical behavior and economical importance. The mechanical properties of a rock normally refer to the constants in the constitutive equation, which the rock is assumed to obey. A rock would hence be described by four mechanical parameters: two elastic parameters (Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio) and two failure parameters (friction angle and unaxial compressive strength). Young's modulus measures the resistance of a rock against being compressed by uniaxial stress, while Poisson's ratio measures the lateral expansion relative to longitudinal contraction.
Mechanical properties of rock depend on the interaction among extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Confining pressure and strain rate are the most important extrinsic factors. Porosity, grain size, types of cement and mineralogy are the most important intrinsic geological factors.
Background of the Study
Today's economic conditions emphasize the need for better designs in drilling, well completion, and reservoir production and monitoring. Having the knowledge of rock mechanical behavior of rock reservoir is of the immense significant value in connection with wellbore stability problems. Stability problems include fracturing operations, subsidence problem and production problem of oil fields (Bosworth, et al., 2009, pp. 14-17).
The mechanical properties of a formation may be divided into the following three groups:
1. Elastic parameters: Elastic parameters are considered as the most important method of estimation. Reservoir rock is acoustic logging which measures the wave velocities.
2. Strength parameter: Strength of a material is dependent on the level of confining stress. Failure criteria used to describe the actual behavior normally have at least two to three adjustable parameters.
3. In-situ stresses: Technically, the in-situ stresses are not mechanical properties of the rock. However, in-situ stresses influence both the elastic parameters and the strength parameters. The in-situ stress is a key parameter in a number of applications such as induced fracturing, sand production control, and borehole instability.
Cores are the only medium of obtaining direct measurement of rock mechanical properties. Cores are, however, available only from discrete levels and sometimes unavailable due to ...