An Investigation into the Apparent Failure of Child Protection Social Workers in Protecting Children
[Name of the Author]
[Name of the Faculty]
[Name of the School or Department]
[Month and Year]
I would like to take this chance for thanking my research facilitator, friends & family for support they provided and their belief in me as well as guidance they provided without which, I would have never been able to do this research.
Signature: ______________________
Date: _______________________
I, (name of the author), would like to declare that all contents included in this dissertation stand for my individual work without any aid, and this dissertation has not been submitted for any examination at academic as well as professional level previously. It is also representing my very own views and not essentially which are associated with university.
Signed: __________________Date: ________________
Outline of the Research1
Background of the Research1
Hypothesis and Research Questions3
Research Aims and Objectives3
Time Scale for the Research4
Research Timeline6
Historical Context8
Concept of Child Protection9
Legal Framework of Social Protection of Children10
Practice of Social Work in Child Protection11
Scope of Social Service Delivery13
Objects and Subjects of Child Welfare16
Child Welfare Laws, Legal Mandate17
Understanding Violence Prediction Theory and Related Assessment Tools19
Outline of the Research
This research investigates the apparent failure of child protection social workers in protecting children. The study comprises of the following sections:
The first chapter introduces the topic of the research and provided the background, research scope, aims and objectives, research questions and time scale for the study.
The second chapter provides the appropriate and significant literature review for the selected research topic that signifies the past study in this field.
The third chapter provides a general idea about the research methodology that has been selected for this research. The methodology mainly includes; the research design, questionnaire design and framework, sampling technique, data collection method, ethical considerations for the research. In addition, reliability and validity of the survey is also defined in this chapter.
The fourth chapter provides the analysis of findings in a detailed manner so that a conclusive outcome can be obtained.
The fifth chapter summarizes the complete study and further presents future recommendations and limitations of the study.
Background of the Research
It is argued that child protection social workers sometimes fail to consider it relevant to engage with children in their daily practices despite it being a part of their professional obligation to include the views and opinions of children they are working with. This dissertation will attempt to explore failures on the part of child protection social workers and professionals to focus on the child in their practices, making it sometimes difficult to understand why and how children may be marginalised.
There is always an intense public quest for change and scrutiny of social services when a child accidentally dies while in the care of his/her parents or is killed by his/her parents or carers (Beckett, 2007). Child maltreatment and accidental death has existed since time immemorial (Corby, 2006) but the difference between then and now is that modern child protection procedures are regulated by the state and requires ...