An Exploratory Study Into Failure In Successful Retail Management: The Case Of Primark

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[An Exploratory Study into Failure in Successful Retail Management: The Case of Primark]



I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.


I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the thesis has not previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.

Signed __________________ Date _________________


The purpose of this dissertation is to report on exploratory research that aims to contribute to knowledge on online branding, and the way in which the online channel is being used to support brands. The focus of this research is the top multi-channel UK fashion retailers. Content analyses were performed on the web sites of a number of top fashion and clothing retailers, plus three supermarket chains with a strong presence in clothes retailing. An analysis of the extent to which the retailers were using their web site to provide online services and information provided a context for a more detailed analysis of online branding strategies, including communicating brand identity and presence, and building brand relationships.

Table of Content

Project Background6

The Industrial Organization Perspective7

Research Aim and Objectives9



Scope of the project9

Significance of Study10

Producer (Research Methodology)11



Time Table18

Project Background

This dissertation reports on an exploratory study into the online branding activities of top UK fashion and clothing retailers. By so doing it investigates two key aspects of e-commerce both of which have only received limited prior attention from researchers, online fashion retailing, and online branding. Retailing fashion online was seen as unlikely to be successful in the early days of e-commerce, because of people's need to touch and try-on clothes and the social experience associated with clothes shopping for women. Nevertheless, the volume of clothes and footwear sold via the Internet has grown steadily, and online revenues for fashion good have been growing between 25-30 per cent a year since 2000.

Early online (pure-play) and catalogue clothes retailers, such as,, and are increasingly being jostled online by “brick” fashion retailers as these businesses develop their multi-channel strategy and build their presence in the online channel. These retailers have recognised the need to extend their brand presence and their service offering into the online channel in order to offer more choice and a more flexible brand experience to their customers. In line with the increase in consumer spend on fashion goods online, over the past few years there as been a gradual increase in the body of research associated with fashion e-tailing. Marciniak and Bruce's (2006) chapter on “Fashion e-tailing” is a useful summary; they indicate that much of the research in this area relates to consumer behaviour issues, and cross channel shopping behaviour.

Other research has explored fashion web site design and quality, and fashion retailers' approaches to online strategy. Although brands and branding receive an occasional mention in some of these studies, none focus ...
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