Ammonia Response Training

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Ammonia Leak Training Program

Ammonia Leak Training Program


Ammonia is used for a variety of purposes. It is imperative to recognize that ammonia is harmful to human health. When inhaled at high concentrations, ammonia is very hazardous. By inhaling ammonia, individuals may suffer from severe respiratory injuries. A part from health hazards, ammonia is also dangerous for the environment. It is because ammonia is corrosive and extremely hygroscopic. In case of leak, ammonia migrates rapidly to moist areas of the human body. These areas include eyes, nose, and throat and skin (Cheremisinoff, 1999).


Purpose of the Training

The purpose of this training is to reduce employees' deficiencies. This training will help employees understand various hazards of ammonia. It will also help them understand various steps which must be taken to prevent the hazards of leak. This training can significantly prevent employees' injuries in the future

Awareness Regarding the Hazards of Ammonia

When ammonia gas leaks from a plant or a container, it tends to collect in the ceiling or other high areas. Ammonia leak at the plant can result in diverse health and environment hazards.

Health Hazards

Ammonia gas causes severe irritation to the eyes, nose, and respiratory system. Ammonia can also cause severe coughing and congestion. Sometimes, inhalation of ammonia also results in death due to bronchial spasm. Ammonia is also considered a severe eye irritant. It penetrates quickly into the eyes and can cause permanent blindness. The contact of ammonia with skin or eyes can cause fatal burns.

Fire Hazards

Ammonia gas is extremely reactive. Ammonia leak at the plant is hazardous because it combines with other materials which result in hazardous chemical reactions. When ammonia comes into contact with strong oxidizers such as chlorine, iodine, calcium and others, it forms explosive mixtures.

Corrosive Hazards

Ammonia also possesses several chemical hazards. It causes chemical burns on all body surfaces. Ammonia can also corrode rubbers and plastic.

How to Detect and Control Leak

Ammonia leaks can occur in different situations. If the leak is minor and the alarm has been activated, all employees must leave the plant. Sometimes, alarm does not turn on. It occurs when the concentration of ammonia is less than 35 pp. If any employee has realized that there is an ammonia leak in the plant, it is imperative to check the approximate area of the leak. It can be done by moisten an indicator paper. In order to prevent hazards, workers should wear the safety mask as soon as possible. A worker can perform minor maintenance for instance tightens the flange in order to stop the leak. However, these tasks must only be performed by an experienced and skillful worker. If employees start feeling ammonia or eyes irritation, they must inform the plant supervisor immediately.

Preventing Hazards

Work Safely

The accidents caused due to ammonia leakage can be prevented through improved procedures and better communication. Workers should learn from experiences of engineers and operators working at the plant. Workers must be encouraged to communicate regarding measures on how to prevent ammonia releases (Chaturvedi, ...
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