America's Distrust On Government

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America's Distrust on Government

America's Distrust on Government

Americans are harder workforce, more philanthropic, individualistic, self-reliant and anti-government than persons in most other countries. We've turned what was an 18th-century Third World territory into the freest and most prosperous territory in mankind's whole history. Throughout our annals, the United States has been a magnet for immigrants round the world. What anecdotes for what some have called American exceptionalism?

We Americans, as human beings, are no distinct from any other persons, encompassing Germans, Russians, Chinese, Africans and other persons who have made tyrannical regimes for example those of Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong and Idi Amin. As such, we are just as adept of committing actions of whole bad that have been a part of mankind all through its history. We've not been a flawless territory, but we've not ever advanced the grade of hideousness glimpsed in other nations. That's regardless of the detail that our community comprises of persons who have for centuries been seeking to slaughter one another in their dwelling nations, if it's between the French and Germans, English and Irish, Japanese and Chinese, Palestinians and Jews, or the Igbos and Hausa of Nigeria. Thrown into the American mosaic are constituents of beliefs that have been in confrontation for centuries, for example Catholics and Protestants, and Christians and Muslims. The inquiry is: Why is the United States exclusion, and will it stay so?

The question of whose benefit the American government is run for, the few big interests or the common good, is not a simple question to answer. There is no straightforward answer because much like the running of the American government itself, all the actions are interrelated and what might seem as being done in the interest of a big interest might actually be happening to the benefit of the citizens with special interests benefiting as a result of the action rather than the cause.

The concern about special interests is not a new one, as the framers of the Constitution were worried about it too. They feared the power that could be wielded by organized interests, yet they understood that the right to organize was basic to the notion of freedom. This dilemma of freedom versus power was a tough one for them. They knew that if the government was given power to restrain organized interests it would be the same as the power to suppress freedom.

In order to better understand the answer and the question itself, one must understand the way the American government runs. There are many different systems of government structure and organization: representative democracy, pluralist democracy, elitist system, hyper pluralist, and anarchy. The United States is organized much like a typical representative democracy, but in operation, with all factors considered, it is in reality much more of a hyper pluralist society. A state in which members of diverse ethnic, racial, religious, or social groups maintain an autonomous participation in and development of their traditional culture or special interest within the confines of a common civilization is ...
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