Literature is a very fine piece of art that comprises of various attributes in it. It is generally differentiated in terms of genres, style of writing, and types. Literature may be written for a drama, or it is poetry, or it is for a play. However, the writing style may also differ the literature; it can be romantic, or a humorous work, or it is a horror. Distinguishing literature may create a very long list. Moreover, literature is also defined on the basis of ethnicity; it can be French literature, African literature, English literature, and so on.
In this paper, we focus on a very strange combination of defining literature; the American Ethnic Literature. I may highlight the topic of this paper is fairly confusing and may categorize it as complex because there is no American Ethnic Literature. However, this is because there is no single ethnic group which is truly known as an “American”. People living in America are a combination of various different groups of people who came to the U.S. from a diverse range of locations. The ethnic groups that are situated in America may be African, Jewish, or of other class. Since the independence and existence of America, more and more groups have landed here as immigrants. There has been an inclination trend in the types of people coming to America, but at this moment in time we can see a great rise in Asian people coming to America.
There is a rich history of literature association with the American nation. However, the country of dreams is fulfilled with loads of talent. Moreover, it is not necessary the people from America have American origin or from a different country and placed in United States of America. It's a land of opportunity, and people have been arriving to United States of America for testifying their luck and enhancing prospects for their talent. Therefore, post World War II ethnic literature in America has done wonders and influenced a lot of people by them.
No matter who are the writers and where they are from? They have still received the importance and acceptance by the people of America. Ethnic literature writers with different origins can be categorized as, African American, Asian American, Latin American or Hispanic writers, and more. However, their talent didn't go wasted and was hugely accepted by the people of America (Wurth, 2005).
African American
People from the African continent are known for their artistic talent; be it musical abilities, or acting skills, or the immense amount of writing approaches used by them to influence people. However, the talent is not widely accepted if they stay in their motherland Africa. Therefore, they are travelling to developed nations and looking for opportunities. Many came to United States of America as both slaves also willingly for a better life.
African literature saw its golden era during the Harlem Renaissance the movement taken place in New York where the African American writers were doing the best work and they were ...