American Democracy

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American Democracy & Political Parties


In this paper, we try to focus on the most renowned Presidents John Adams, James Monroe, Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant. The paper discussed about the American Democracy and political parties. The paper highlights the elements of the American Democracy that got expanded from 1830 until present. For example, (Political Campaigner & how it changed, Elections, Extensions of the right to vote. It also focuses on the political Parties as they pertain to Presidential Power. We identify their similarities & differences from campaigning, election etc… till the end of term in office. The paper also mentioned their significant, weaknesses, accomplishments and so on. The paper is divided in to four parts that is John Adams, James Monroe, Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant, each part is explaining and highlighting the above mentioned thing.

Table of Contents


American Democracy1


Development of Presidential Powers from George Washington to Theodore Roosevelt3

Prominent Presidents of the United States6

John Adams7

James Monroe8

Abraham Lincoln8

Ulysses S. Grant10


American Democracy & Political Parties

American Democracy

Democracy in its modern sense has its origins in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome , the medieval tradition of city-states and the development of representative government in Europe and parts of the British colonies in the new time. In the ancient city-states of the supreme legislative, executive and judicial authorities have the collection, which includes all citizens. This was possible because the population of these cities rarely exceeded 10,000 men; women and slaves had no political rights. Citizens have the right to occupy a variety of executive and judicial positions, some of whom were elected, while others were appointed by lot. In medieval Europe, a key role in the origin of the principles of democratic governance has played a conception of religious, natural and customary law as a restriction of arbitrary power. Of great importance was common practice, when monarchs sought the approval of their orders from the various estates. The congresses of representatives of these classes have been the prototype of modern legislatures.

The Age of Enlightenment, the American and French revolutions stimulated the intellectual and social development, particularly development of ideas about civil rights and political equality (Milkis & Nelson, 2011). Since the XIX century, the assembly members elected in free elections became the central institutions of democratic governance. In many countries, democracy was the exact same include the adversarial electoral process, freedom of speech and the rule of law. In countries with communist regimes proclaimed the idea of democracy, the structure which consisted of class unity and predominantly state ownership of the means of production. Before the XX century democracy assumed that full citizenship has a minority population, while others virtually excluded from political decision-making. By the beginning of the XXI century universality of the election has gained worldwide recognition as one of the most important criteria of democracy.


Each election year, more than half a dozen candidates want to appear with the label of one of the two major parties, Republican or Democrat. These candidates begin to campaign for their party ...
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