American Apparel

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American Apparel

American Apparel

Issue A

After visiting the six departments of the company American Apparel, The corporate culture defines the values of the company. Since, it is a garment company; therefore, it should focus on the culture of the company. Corporate Culture is mentioned in the values of the organization which each and every employee has to follow who is linked to that organization. It is the set of activities are to be performed by each employee belonging to that organization. When an organization is dealing with change so, culture plays an important role in defining the consequences and measures which should be taken before implementing change. Corporate Culture is the set of rules, habits and values ??practiced by individuals in an organization, and that makes this form of behavior. This term is applied in many business organizations today, and so in hospitals or health organization, is a term that should be considered. A standard, as applied to management issues, is all that is written and approved, governing the American Apparel and should be respected by all the members of it. A rule must be written in detail in the corporate governance documents: Organization and Functions Manual, training plans, strategic plans, among others (Dov, 2007).

It is the individual perception with each of the members about the characteristics or qualities of your organization. In assessing the organizational climate is evaluated from the organizational culture, the latter is difficult to assess due to their complexity.

Formation of Corporate Culture- is an attempt to constructively influence the socio-psychological atmosphere, the behavior of employees. Shaping the corporate culture within specific settings, the system of values ??or "world model" of the organization's staff, we can predict, plan and encourage the desired behavior.

Issue B

After visiting the CEO's office and the Manufacturing Head's Office (Marty) we found that they had different skills and approaches. Considering Ohmae concept of Keys for Success which states that if one want to succeed in business. Then the company needs to take certain things in order to assess those situations which are critical for the present and the future of business. Although company may feel that the market is enough space for your products and services, yet, as a guarantee that you will achieve your goals, and the company to successfully grow and develop, you need to pay attention to other factors. The company needs to learn not only what are the needs and desires of your target market, but also the companies with whom you will compete to win your share of the market. All this information will help to get a good idea of ??what needs to be consumers, not what one think they want to receive. Below you look at a few things that should be reflected in the strategy of company (Kang, 2006). These recommendations and practices provide a solid starting any company a base from which they begin to move forward on the market when it comes to the appropriate ...
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