America Becoming More Similar To Europe

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America becoming more similar to Europe

America becoming more similar to Europe


As in other world regions, nations across Europe got engaged in an ongoing restructuring and reform of their social policy systems with a view to meeting the challenges associated with demographic change. Alongside population ageing and shifting patterns of migration, changing social values and a range of economic and budgetary pressures have encouraged European societies to reconsider the foundations of their welfare states.


The United States of America is the only developed country that does not have a covering system universal health care, which is becoming, one of its biggest problems embraces social, economic and political. On the social side, the lack of health coverage for more than 45 million people (about 15% or an in six U.S. residents) in the richest country in the world is a sufficient indicator of the severity the problem. Have been, however, the accumulation of many other considerations and the pressure very various sectors that have been on stage the need for extensive reforms. Increased spending and less coverage than in other developed countries is the current situation of a situation not to deteriorate as time passes and whose solution seems simple. Increase coverage and reduce spending at the same time sounds too square a circle (Swiss, 2009).

The existing public health system covers pensioners over 65 (Medicare, regulated and managed by the federal government that includes a drug copayment system). The people without resources (Medicaid, covered for the entire federation but managed by states) and children from families with limited resources are also covered. By law, employers must insure their workers health coverage derived occupational accidents and hospitals have to meet the emergency care even those not secured. With the exception of the military administration, there is a network of ...
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