Amanda's Management

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Amanda's Management

Amanda's Management


Ever since the world has progressed, and trade and businesses all around the world have escalated to new heights, the small businesses are growing as well, in order to take advantage of the numerous opportunities that are prevalent in the world around them. However, most of the businesses fail to workout the minute details of the business, for instance before initiating its operations, and functions may fully analyze the internal and external opportunities, which may eventually prove to be the real cause of the debacle.

Four Functions of Management

In management, the four functions of management are extremely essential not only to determine the success of the manager, but also to determine the right course for the firm and employees, on to the road of progress and excellence. There are four functions of management, and each one of them is a key to success for the manager and the company (Daft, 2011).


Planning is the building stone of management and is also the primary constituent of the four functions. The planning phase/function requires the manager to establish the pivotal goals and objective for the firm, as well as the right course and strategies to attain those goals and objectives. A part of this function can easily be attained by setting down the mission and vision of the firm.


It is the utmost duty if the manager to organize the firm properly ; and it includes the proper organization of the workforce and resources, with respect to the tasks and goals lined ahead. The determination of the appropriate quantity of employees for a respective task for a job is highly critical. The manager is required to organize the work force with respect to the resources available and tasks required. Any failure in the organization of world force and resources can be extremely detrimental to the organization.


It is a common mistake made by the general public when they classify the managing and leading in the corresponding domain. In fact, managing and leading belong to two separate domains. The primary obligation of the manager is to organize the firm and the workforce, make sure that the procedures are implemented and followed. However, the leader is revered as a figure that is critical for motivating the employees in the right direction, and they consider him as the ultimate source of guidance. However, in an extremely ideal scenario, a manager can also be the leader for his employees, the source of ultimate guidance and motivation.


Controlling is the most tricky and demanding aspect of management. Controlling requires the managers to ensure and monitor the performance constantly and proper functionality of the firm, and to ensure that the designated goals are being achieved. This may also require the manager to keep a check on the performance of his employees constantly, and may also demand the feedback.

Analysis of the Case

What if the Clients with the tax problems did not come back?

Clearly, the management carried out by Amada had some weak point. With respect to her understanding and experience, ...
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