Alternative Medicine Or Complementary Pain Therapies

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Alternative medicine or Complementary pain therapies

Alternative medicine or Complementary pain therapies


There are several methods that can help manage the pain. Medicine is one of them, but other methods may be used in conjunction with medicine. Sometimes these approaches can be used without using the medicine for pain management. The complementary pain management or alternative medicine is pain treatment that uses, among other natural therapies for pain management.



Acupuncture, in its conception of human path physiology, uses two important concepts that are vital energy and the environment. The three principles of pain treatment with acupuncture are: "unblocking" It is used in cases of infringement of the meridians; the "regularization function Qi" It concerns with the entrails organs such as heart, stomach, skin, brain, liver, uterus etc. The "expulsion" It applies to six Excess, the phlegm disorders and Blood Stagnation. The treatment is based on the expulsion of six excess, disorders of phlegm and Stagnation of blood by the method of dispersion associated with moxibustion. On the meridians that are connected with the organ systems of the body, are certain points whose stimulation is intended to harmonize the flow of Qi again. For this stimulation acupuncture needles are used.


Together with painkillers and other treatments, physical therapy can help relieve pain in the chest area and product axillaries surgery or radiation therapy. Physiotherapist can relieve pain at the source after the cause identified, e.g. muscle tension around the knee, and treating it with exercises or stretching. Combined with medication, physiotherapy is as effective as arthroscopy to treat osteoarthritis of the knee. It can relieve many arthritic problems with flexibility exercises and strength.

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