Alternative Dispute Resolution

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Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution


1) Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative dispute resolution is a set of procedures to facilitate extra-judicial settlement of disputes (conflicts). Despite some resistance, alternative methods of dispute resolution in recent years, are widely recognized as among the general public and among lawyers in the U.S., Europe, Australia, and begin to get into law enforcement practices of Asian countries. Rising popularity of alternative dispute resolution is caused by several factors: a high loading of traditional courts, relatively low cost compared with the procedure of the trial, confidential nature of the procedures, as well as the desire of participants conflicts have greater control over the choice of those who will settle their (dispute

From the interviews the mission conducted during this trip were organized around the report by Lord Woolf Access to Justice, published in July 1996. They focused on the one hand, on the reform of the civil proceedings initiated by the Justice Minister Lord McKay, on the basis of proposals made ??by Lord Woolf, named himself "Master of the Rolls" and, secondly, on alternative methods of dispute resolution, called “ADR” (Alternative dispute resolution). Noting the profound differences that separate the systems, the mission nevertheless observed that our two countries face very similar problems and that the remedies offered today across the channel would facilitate a sensible combination of our judicial mechanisms. It would, for England and Wales of a cultural evolution on which the new Lord Chancellor, Lord Alexander Irvine, has not yet commented publicly. Despite some resistance, alternative methods of dispute resolution in recent years, are widely recognized as among the general public and among lawyers in the U.S., Europe, Australia, and begin to get into law enforcement practices of Asian countries. Rising popularity of alternative dispute resolution is caused by several factors: ...
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