Wind turbine energy is very popular technology in all over world. It is known as Technology Neutral because it is created by people. Wind turbines were used for grinding grain in Persia. The first Wind mill was built in Cleveland, United States. It was first Wind mill for electricity production. After some year Wind energy was used in various ways and impacted society in so many advantages ways.
By the 1039s Wind mills became most popular to produce electricity in farms of United States. After some year all other country started use of Wind mills. Wind Milles is also linked with Social Construction. Because it was found in Denmark and we all are dependent on that to produce more electricity. In previous century wind machines were big in size and people were aware of that energy that was new energy, so people were avoiding using to use of wind energy. Because it needs more money and more space to built wind energy plant.
In 21's century, all engineers are trying to make smaller and better turbines. These turbines can store more energy than earlier. The turbines are also using in sail boats. These turbines can generate 300kWh. Per year average speed of wind is around 5.5m/s. They are also using battery in micro turbines. But maintenance of battery is really high in price, so this can occurred problem in marketing. The mini turbine is big then micro turbine and small then big turbine. These turbines can produce 1,000 to 2,000kWh per year with 5.5 m/s wind speed.
World power builds a lot of type of different turbines which has capacity of 500w to 4.5 kW. They are making two types of wind turbine.2-blade model and 3-blade model.
3-blade model is costly comparison to 2-blade model. But weight is also affecting performance of the turbines. Heavy rotors stay pointed into the wind longer. World Power made a lot of blades using different type of material. The smaller turbines were built blades using fiberglass. And bigger turbine used carbon fiber in their blades. World power was selling turbines in cheaper price compare to other companies, so it became most popular around the world and construct different kind of turbines. The new turbines called household-size turbines were used in the house, small businesses and telecommunication. It used to produce less energy because house and small places need less electricity. Each turbine can produce 2,000kW to 20,000 kW per year. These turbines proved really helpful to generate electricity and to save our environment. Our society really starts use of wind energy because all knows that other natural sources are going to finish in nearer future and they all are making lot pollution, so all engineers are thinking more on wind energy and telling people to use it. In these days all country has started to use of wind energy. Once we built wind turbine it will start producing energy it will never stop until it broken. Wind turbines need only maintains (i.e. changing blades after some year) ...