Alice Case Study

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Alice Case study

Case Study


The case of Alice is a typical example of how people get treatment at older age. The role of occupational health and ergonomics in this process is in terms of linking health promotion, rehabilitation and work and workplace design. The use of wellbeing advertisements schemes and workplace rehabilitation will be crucial in holding older people working. However, it is treasured that older people are not habitually captivated to workplace wellbeing plans whereas older people may find more advantages in sustaining and enhancing fitness and health (Cartwright, 2005, 89).

The Ergonomics community can furthermore assist to this by utilizing methodical job investigation when assessing workplaces. This encompasses evaluation of job claims both in periods of the personal desires of the work and the psychological demands. However, farther input is required from other professionals with consider to health evaluation and organizational demands. Stubbs (2000) suggests a multidisciplinary set about encompassing ergonomics, occupational surgery and other professionals but taking a participatory ergonomics approach.

Ageing and occupational performance

In the case of Alice, we can take the example of The Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FOM) advice. Within its paper, the FOM have committed to ensure occupational physicians and those in training will be equipped to address this issue. When study from other nations is reconsidered, multidisciplinary groups have assessed the impact of age and work and double-checked that the set about is communal, psychological and medical (Astin, 1998, 79).

Ageing is a natural method influencing us all. Ill wellbeing may be a component in this method but a comprehending is required of the relative between performance at work and physiological, cognitive and communal purposes that alter between individuals. There is a clear require for other occupations inside occupational wellbeing to double-check that their constituents are furthermore arranged for this inside a multidisciplinary framework.

Both the FOM and Westerholm and Kilbom state the require for an evidence-based approach. However, much of the study conveyed out controls for age throughout statistical investigation other than evolving better forms of aged and work. Griffiths furthermore proposes more framework study encompassing workplace intervention investigations other than very broad epidemiological investigations or cross-sectional research. However, what actually needs in periods of study amidst older people is what the impact of some more years working—until 70—would have on person's bodily, brain and socially.

Dissemination of study is furthermore an absolutely crucial part of the technical process. All investigators are well renowned with the use of peer-reviewed periodicals to circulate technical information. However, other assemblies to goal encompass administration at all levels. Responsibility for this is probable to lie with occupational wellbeing professionals. This in itself recognises a clear require double-checking that educationalists in the area of ergonomics and occupational wellbeing are undertaking this theme inside the curriculum. For demonstration, Stubbs (2000) recognised that ergonomists' require identifying that the methodologies utilised inside ergonomics might furthermore be applicable to other professionals.

A information move could display the broader advantages of ergonomics in practice. This has been echoed in the development of new ...
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