Alfred Adler

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Alfred Adler

Alfred Adler

Till the age of four Alfred Adler was not able to walk, not because he suffered from rickets, five he almost died of a Pneunomie. At that time he decided to become doctors. He was an average student who preferred to play outside and was known for his trouble his older brother Sigmund to excel in many activities. He reached the final in medicine at the University of Vienna in 1895. During his student years, he felt attracted to a socialist student group, where he met his wife, Raisa Timofeyewna Epstein. She was an intellectual and socialist activist, who had come from Russia to study in Vienna. He got married in 1897 and had four children - two of whom were psychiatrists. He established his medical practice in a socially deprived district of Vienna, across from the Prater, an amusement park. Among his patients were circus performers and it is therefore assumed (see Wade Muller 1964) that opened him the unusual ability insights on organic inferiority and its compensation.

In 1907 he became Sigmund Freud invited panel discussions. Unlike Freud, who had a place in the rich middle class Viennese, Adler remained all his life connected to the socially disadvantaged. He was a man with strong emotions, full of joy in work and a fast learner. Freud praised him to his intelligence and originality. Unlike Freud, Adler expressed in rather awkward and could formulate his ideas in conversation are often not clear enough. Also in print is far from Freud's literary gifts. Adler lived the life of the little citizen, hard working, modest, without making big talk from him.

Adler is with the individual psychology, in the therapy practice, have a particular psychological system, a first overall in front of a psychotherapy model that is both normal psyche and neurosis, ...
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