Alcoholism Among African American Females

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Alcoholism among African American Females

Alcoholism among African American Females


Alcohol abuse is a serious problem in the United States and in numerous countries all through the world. Those afflicted with alcoholism suffer from a kind of problems that contrary impact upon numerous aspects of their lives. It is estimated that between 9 to 13 million people suffer from alcohol abuse. The statistics are rather frightening. Alcohol is responsible for half the yearly deaths due to automobile accidents, and for more than 70% of adolescent suicides.

Over time, alcohol abuse leads to a kind of serious wellbeing problems. These can encompass chronic liver disease, decreased sex hormone production, pancreatitis, kidney disease, and mind damage. Psychiatric problems encompass depression, paranoia, and reduced self-esteem. It is tough for individuals with alcoholic beverage problems to be productive and numerous lose jobs or will not be successful in their locality of work. Perhaps the most devastating effects of chronic alcoholic beverage problems are the social problems which manifest exactly from alcoholism: domestic aggression, progeny abuse, and marital confrontation, deconstruction of the family and of community cohesion. (Landy,2003,23)


There is a distinction between alcoholism and problem drinking. The physiological dependency can be seen in the high tolerance that drinkers develop - that is require to drink more and more to get the same effects. Research has shown that over time (with normal alcoholic beverage use) the body adjusts to having the chemical in its system. The body then becomes “normal” only with alcohol. The alcohol is needed for basic functioning, and numerous alcoholics require a drink in the forenoon just to get out of bed. (Caetano, 2000,)

The physical environment of alcoholism is also seen in compulsive behaviors (the incompetence to stop consuming one time started). This is what is mentioned to as the “out of control” behaviors of the alcoholic. Another is the use of alcohol to ease tension and anxiety. Typically the hefty drinker has adversity coping with contradictory feelings and discovers that alcohol relieves concern and distress. A pattern of consuming to ease every day tension and life problems escalates premier finally to physiological dependence. In this way, the problem drinker becomes an alcoholic. (Landy,2003,23)

Those at risk for developing alcohol addiction are individuals who experience many of stress in their lives, have adversity coping, have easy access to alcohol, and are boosted to drink by their social environment. Alcoholism is especially probable when individuals ...
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