Alcohol And The Family

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Alcohol and the family

Alcohol and the family

Alcohol is our society's "chosen drug." It makes us unable to see what harm it can do in many reasons. A person may not know their limit to stop drinking and become drunk. This limits their ability to do certain things. Many people drink to relax or to celebrate special occasions. There are millions of reason people choose to drink. People do it to gain confidence? for fun? to loosen up? and relax. Alcohol is not secure at all. If you drink too much? you can even die (Handson, 2005).

Alcohol affects the nervous system and mainly the brain. If it didn't affect these things? it probably wouldn't be used as often. It is classified as a depressant drug. It "holds" the brain. It lessens worry and anxiety. It makes some people happy. There are two different parts of the brain? which are the higher part and the lower part. Alcohol itself depresses the higher part first. This makes the qualities in the lower part come out more. In dealing with the higher part? thought? memory? speech? and human parts of our behavior have to be controlled. The lower part deals with basic aspects like hunger? aggresion? and sex. Alcohol actually kills pain. Before modern technology was developed? alcohol was given to patients before a big operation or perhaps getting a tooth pulled.

Your family could suffer as well if you are a heavy drinker. Problems occur such as money? child abuse? spouse abuse? and marriages. Losing your job from drinking is also a thought. Arguments develop frequently and police become involved. Half of all murders take place when the attacker has been under the influence of alcohol (Handson, 2005).

Some relegions use alcohol as part of relegious ceremonies. Jews? Muslims? and Mormons? ...
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