Alcohol Abuse And Rheumatoid Arthritis

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How Alcohol Abuse and Rheumatoid Arthritis Can Impact On the Occupational Participation of Individuals during Adulthood

How Alcohol Abuse and Rheumatoid Arthritis Can Impact On the Occupational Participation of Individuals during Adulthood


Alcohol Abuse Impact on Adulthood

Alcohol abuse refers to an excessive use of alcoholic beverages, including liquor. An examination of adolescent drinking patterns and problems requires consideration of (1) the quantity and frequency of consumption, (2) alcohol-related negative life consequences, and (3) alcohol-dependence symptoms There are several physical side effects from drinking. One of the biggest problems caused by drinking is the effect on the liver that causes cirrhosis. This is when the liver is unable to function properly because of which it stops working. Other diseases caused by alcoholism are heart disease, pancreatitis, epilepsy and cancer. Moreover, it also causes brain damages and increased risk of breast cancer. Many other mental issues such as "dementia" can also be caused because of alcohol abuse. Moreover, they also suffer from depression, panic disorder and anxiety (Parrott et al, 2005). In the women, "bulimia" and post-traumatic stress disorder are more common. However, men often develop a bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and have an attention deficit. They can also become narcissistic or antisocial. Suicidal tendencies can be experienced by both men and women who are severe alcoholics.

Alcohol abuse has a major impact on the adulthood with whom the alcoholics live with. They often develop marital problems and this is because the spouse does not like the habit. Moreover, the alcoholic behaves in an unconventional way when he is drunk and the amount spent on drinking is also wastage of money (Selvanathan, 1988). Besides this, alcoholics also become abusive to their spouse and have physical as well as verbal fights. There are many cases in which alcoholism also results in divorce. Alcohol abuse also affects society and many times alcoholics also have to lose their job (Copello et al, 2006). Besides this, they often drive when they are drunk and cause accidents. This damages the property and also results in injuries to other people (Cook, 1994). Deaths of other people also occur because of drunk drivers. Moreover, they also commit various crimes and after conviction, they end up in the overcrowded penal system.

There are also numerous other short term effects that come from drinking too much alcohol (Moosa & Baxter, 2002). Too much alcohol can cause a person to feel sick and experience symptoms such as dizziness and nausea. In the worst cases where too much alcohol is consumed, vomiting and other sickness can occur. Too much alcohol consumption not only can have effects on a person at the time of drinking, but it can also cause a person to feel sick the next day. A hangover can consist of a headache, fatigue, thirst, and nausea (Choudry, 1990).

While the short term effects of alcohol consumption can be destructive and unhealthy, they fail in comparison to the serious long term effects of prolonged alcohol ...
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