Alabama's Fat Tax

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Alabama's “Fat Tax”

Alabama's Fat Tax

What is the ethical issue in the case? Why is this issue?

The case discusses the wellness program for obese people, which states that, tax imposed on people as they are at a risk of being obese. The issue of obesity has been arising at a rapid rate since pat years. The main idea behind this case is promoting healthy behavior. When it comes to promoting healthy behaviors, numerous justifications are given. According to the first order of reasons, attempts to influence the behavior of the individual; therefore, it is one of the functions the state, to improve the lives of individuals, not just to give them the means to pursue their chosen one, then the intervention of institutions in individual lives becomes, under certain conditions, legitimate (Jennifer, 2008). This argument rests on the assumption that state to determine accurately what a healthy behavior is. The ethical issue involved in the case is that the moral rights of an individual highlighted. Obese individual has their own life, and they can live according to it. Restricting them in consuming food is not morally correct for them and it is against ethics. They should have the right to lead their life according to their wish as obesity is an individual problem. The wellness program as mentioned in the case will be effective, but it would be against the rights of obese people.

What stakeholders are impacted by the ethical issue in the case? Discuss how the ethical issue impacts each stakeholder.

The stakeholders impacted due to this issue belong to the food industry. These include fast food industries as they are impacted by the decision of cutting down the consumption of obese food. Since, ethics in marketing is a subset of moral or behavioral norms that are widely accepted by a society or group and the activities governing the processes of marketing. The marketing industries should also take part in promotion of a healthy diet, as in this case it is mentioned that measures are being taken to cut down the rate of obesity. When we talk about marketing ethics, it is necessary to distinguish aspects of the ethical framework and the legal aspects (French, 2003). Decision or action by a company that is unethical is not necessarily illegal and vice versa. We must use discretion when a decision appears to be ambiguous. First, their moral responsibility is to inform people to adopt about the negative consequences of having junk food. It is very risky for the life of an individual. The responsibility of the industry is to tell people about the risk of consuming fast food. For this reason, taxation programmers taxation of food is often accompanied by additional measures (programs education or information, taxation of agribusiness, financial products healthy in order to make them more attractive. This diet ax will help in reducing the problem of obesity.

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