Alabama State Law On Immigration

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Alabama State Law on Immigration


This essay seeks to provide a justifiable argument related to the new law passed by Alabama State related immigration. An Open Door Immigration policy is implemented to attract more immigrants from the outside world; so that the United States develops a diverse group of foreign arrivals that can contribute to the economic growth of the country. The debate continues whether these immigrants pose a liability to the government in terms of consuming the resources; or whether this policy is justified in creating a condition, where the country and its people benefit mutually and substantially.

Currently, the strengthening of state security policies in United States, involving a threat to the human rights of immigrants, includes legal immigrants. Due to this condition, number of people has decide migrate to another country, maybe this is related to the search of improved living standards, as a result of uncompetitive government of ensure social welfare, of course it is the duty of government of United States to ensure safety and welfare of immigrants, including employment and there should be no commitment on this issue. The result of travel to other countries is search of opportunities. These aspects are not only current processes, but these, have been building through the decades, with a poor distribution of wealth and of course the complex government policies that impede the country's economic growth. The illegal migration to the United States is a consequence of the above issues, so that the violation of human rights and discrimination are triggered a new reality which the United States issued decades ago.

This essay supports the viewpoint that the law passed by Alabama State is beneficial for the state and it should be adopted as it will help stop admitting more arrivals, since they pose a burden on the State's resources.

Description and Analysis

Migration flows have accelerated in the last fifteen years and all indications are that this trend will increase. Although, at all times man has experienced large migratory movements, always with the same premise, seeking better living conditions, the majority today because of this phenomenon is the poverty of millions of people living in the Third World, and who are attracted the wealth of industrial societies.

Alabama State upheld a law allowing police to detain people suspected of staying in the state illegally, if they cannot produce proper documentation when stopped for any reason. The new law of Alabama on immigration deprives illegal immigrants and their families, including children born U.S. citizens, from their fundamental rights, and threatens their access to basic services and denied certain legal protections.

The report, "No Way to Live: Alabama's Immigrant Law" ("When life becomes impossible: The law of Alabama on immigrants") describes the consequences of the law on the protection of citizens and taxpayers, for illegal immigrants and their families and communities from Alabama to which they belong. The report is based on direct testimony from 57 residents of Alabama, including citizens and permanent residents who have reported abuse and discrimination committed under the ...
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