Agenda For Protection

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To What Extent Has the Agenda for Protection (UN 2003) Regarding the Protection of Women in Refugee Camps Has Been Implemented

To What Extent Has the Agenda for Protection (UN 2003) Regarding the Protection of Women in Refugee Camps Has Been Implemented

Chapter One: Introduction

The Agenda for Protection and its Programme of Action, which was the result of Global Consultations on International Protection, establishes an agreed framework for achieving Priority goals at the global protection. It was adopted in 2002 by the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner and endorsed by the Assembly General. It gives a broad cross-section of an- lie and recommendations of States, intergovernmental Organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The Agenda is the culmination of a multilateral process and proposed to be more than a list of good intentions. It aims to focus on the elements protection eligible for multilateral cooperation and responsibility collective strengthened. Although states are naturally the primary responsibility of the protection, partnership in action, hinged on the concept of burden-sharing, is a central feature of the Agenda (Castells, 2004, 7). In this context, UNHCR's role as a catalyst and facilitator, acting on the basis of its mandate, is underlined. The Agenda is also highlighting the role and contribution of other partners, on the basis of benefits comparative mandates, experience and status. The Agenda for Protection (AP) was one of the most important fruits of Global Consultations on International Protection process that marked the commemoration of 50e anniversary of the 1951 relating to the Status of Refugees.

The Agenda has also been designed on the basis of discussions depth at the UNHCR Standing Committee on issues with little or no covered by the 1951 Convention or its 1967 Protocol, but estimated to be huge challenges for UNHCR and the international community as a whole at this time to improve the protection of asylum seekers and refugees in the world. Approved in 2002 by the UNHCR Executive Committee and endorsed by the General Assembly Agenda reflects a consensus on the goals, objectives and actions deemed necessary to maintain and strengthen the international protection regime for refugees. Looking back at the many refugee crises and the substantial expansion of UNHCR's operational scope and budget in the 1990s, this concern seems misplaced (Chimni, 2008, 350). Today, UNHCR has been described as the UN's 'humanitarian arm'.' and its primary focus has shifted from providing international protection for refugees, particularly in the form of promoting asylum, towards large-scale humanitarian operations, in the midst of conflict, for war-affected populations, internally displaced persons and refugees alike.


This research is of high importance as it will open new doors for future research and it will open new doors for more research.

Research Questions:

The objectives of conducting this research are as follows:

How the Agenda of Protection originated?

To what extent the Agenda has help women Refugee in camps?

What are the consequences faced by women before the implementation of the Agenda by UN?

What are the basic solutions to the problem?

Operational Definitions

UNHCR Protection Agenda

To strengthen help for millions of uprooted ...
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