Aged Care Policy

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Aged Care Policy

Aged Care Policy


Residential aged care is for older people who can no longer live at home due to frailty? disability? illness? the death of a partner or? the needs of a carer? family or friend. Most people choose to live at home and there are many supports and services that can assist older people to do this? however when it is no longer possible to manage at home? residential aged care services provide older people with continuous supported care.

Aged care homes are owned and operated by individuals and organizations that have Commonwealth Government approval to provide residential care.

This paper provides basic information about Residential Aged Care services. For more extensive information visit the Australian Department of Health and Ageing website.

Regulation of residential aged care

Planning? funding and regulation of residential aged care facilities is the responsibility of the Commonwealth Government.

Entry to residential aged care

Entry to residential aged care services is through the Aged Care Assessment Service. This service will assess the needs of the person to determine their eligibility and provide approval for a place in a residential aged care facility. To assist people considering long term residential aged care? refer to the Victorian Government's publication? Residential care? your choices and the Commonwealth Government publication? 5 steps to Entry into Residential Aged Care also provides an introduction into accessing residential aged care services.

Levels of residential aged care

Aged care homes provide varying levels of support ranging from daily tasks and personal care to 24-hour nursing care.

Residential aged care can be offered as either permanent or short-term care? referred to as respite care.

If less care is required than is offered by aged care homes

Independent living units or retirement villages offer supportive communities with a range of services for older people. They are regulated ...
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