Aged Care Nursing: The Implications of the Garling Report
Aged Care Nursing: The Implications of the Garling Report
This Assignment takes into account Final Report of the Special Commission of inquiry into Acute Care Services in NSW Public Hospitals, its implication and the impact on Registered Nurses. With reference to Garling report three areas of the topic covers the major content. Garling report overview has been described in the first part related to acute care. Within this part workforce issues discussed are shortage of nurses and bullying & workplace culture. Two issues were picked up regarding my sub-major are adverse events and morbidity in geriatric patients, and malnutrition. These two issues have been explored because it relates to the research I was asked to do. This assignment ends with a through concluding summary regarding the topics that we have discussed in this paper. The study of the contribution of nursing to care for the elderly starts from the theoretical postulates of the discipline, specifically nurses from the three paradigms, namely categorization, integration and transformation. To justify this interest in nursing theory we endorse the reasons the legitimate right of nurses to be recognized as full members of the scientific community, the responsibility of nurses to contribute to knowledge in the health field and perhaps most important, but often least recognized the great need for nurses to acquire the essential knowledge for practice (Raslan, 2010, 721).
Since 1984, health, the person, the care and the environment are considered core concepts of the discipline or, which is, of metaparadigm nurse, as the way that nurses deal the relationship between these four concepts can delimit its field with respect to other disciplines. The analysis of these nurses from contrasting paradigms will allow us to contemplate the evolution of the discipline and identify the paradigm that guides our current practice in the elderly care and their consequences (Martins, 2005, 21).
The provision of care to the individual in any stage of the life cycle is characteristic of the nursing discipline, with geriatric nursing geriatric care that addresses the elderly. The old stage in a person's life, but it is difficult to pinpoint the beginning given the diversity of criteria that can be taken into account. Labor standards or production more or less coinciding with a decline in physical and mental abilities of the individual have been traditionally used in the health system to mark the beginning of old age and consequently modify the offer assistance and health benefits.
The 65 years can still be a job criterion, but not valid when it comes to direct health care programs targeting the elderly. According to the results of the study, nationwide, conducted by the Sociological Research Centre about 2,500 people over 65 years, 75% are independent, require assistance from others and are usually the ones who help their family closest. Reasons of health, wellness, longevity, life expectancy and possibly economic reasons make existing programs are directed at old people with ages over 70 and 75 years (Lucet, 2005, ...