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Nurse Practitioner Act: New Jersey versus New Hampshire
[Institute Name]
Nurse Practitioner Act: New Jersey versus New Hampshire
New Hampshire
All ARNPs are regulated under the Nurse Practice Act, RSA 326-B, Chapter 600,
“Advanced Nursing Practice.” Prescriptive privilege is granted in the Nurse
Practice Act. An advanced registered nurse practitioners shall have plenary
authority to prescribe medications from the officials formulary established by the
joint health council within the scope of the ARNP's practice. The Joint Health
Council decides on or makes additions to the ARNP formulary and determines
protocol guidelines. The Council shall consist of seven members: one who is the
chair of the BON, another member of the BON, the chair of the board of
registration in medicine, two physicians currently licensed to practice medicine,
the chair of the board of pharmacy and another member of the board of
The BON, under the Nurse Practice Act (NRS 632) and regulations (NAC 632)
defines the scope of practice, education and other requirements for the
recognition of the advanced practitioner of nursing (APN), certified registered
nurse anesthetist, and clinical nurse specialist. Only APNs may prescribe
controlled substances; prescription authority for APNs must be obtained jointly
from the Board of Nursing and the Board of Pharmacy. APNs must obtain a
certificate from the BON and BOP to prescribe. The board of Pharmacy shall
adopt regulations setting forth the maximum amounts of any controlled
substance, poison, dangerous drug and devices which an advanced practitioner of
nursing who holds a certificate from the board may dispense, the conditions
under which they must be stored, transported and safeguarded, and the records
which the nurse shall keep.
Second license with joint regulation of advanced practice. The Board of ARNP
consists of five ARNPs, five MDs, one consumer and one pharmacists. ARNPs
must submit one Integrated Practice Agreement with a physician and proof of
liability insurance prior to commencing practice; ARNPs without a
master/doctorate degree and at least 2,000 hours of physician supervised practice
must also ...
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