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These are some of the questions which come to our mind when we see or meet an aged person. We find that our parents do not behave as we do. The kind of images which normally come to our mind when we hear the word 'adult and aging' are responsibility, stability, forgetfulness and some times poor health. We view the older years as a stage in life when people become more dependent on others? Are these stereotypes myths? When we look into our society today the older population is growing. (Arnett, 469)

It has been estimated that by the year 2021 major portion of the world's population will be in the category of aged people. Becoming adult and growing old is a biological process, but many other developments also take place along with it. You will study about these changes in this lesson. This lesson will also help you understand the value of the aged people in the society and help you to relate to the older people is a better way. (Graves, 33) Judy Blume says in “Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret”, “Let children read whatever they want and then talk about it with them. If parents and kids can talk together, we won't have as much censorship because we won't have as much fear.”

The Adulthood Stage

We are often told by our elders to act according to our age. Have you ever wondered what does it mean? There seem to be certain expectations of how individuals of a certain age should act. The period of adulthood is marked by society's expectation of performing one's duty as an adult. Some special roles and relationship like family and career are the major milestones of adulthood. (Stein, 276) The spurt of growth during adolescence stabilizes by adulthood and the individual looks forward to more concrete roles in the society. Our capabilities and behaviors continue to change as we grow older not only because of the biological growth process but also because of our understanding and the way we interact with our environment.

Young Adulthood

During the period of young adulthood one sees himself or herself as an autonomous and independent adult. In this period the individual becomes financially less dependent on the parental family. A major developmental task during this period is the choice of a career. Young men and women tend to settle down in a career of their choice. (Arnett, 469) In addition a young adult tries to settle down and start the family life. They are also concerned about various social issues and forming close relationships with one's professional peers and members of community. The duties of a person demand two fold responsibilities which are towards oneself as well as the society. (Stein, 276) Blume advices “My only advice is to stay aware, listen carefully and yell for help if you need it.”

The stage of young adulthood is characterized by new tasks and challenges in life such as establishing financial and emotional independence and entering into marital ...
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