Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the name given to a group of behaviors found in many adults. People with ADHD are hyperactive or distracted most of the time. Even when they try to concentrate, they have a difficulty in paying attention. Adult People with ADHD have difficulty organizing things, listening to instructions, remembering details and controlling their behavior. Therefore, people with ADHD often have trouble getting along with others at home, at school or work. There are three main types of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), inattentive type, the hyperactive /impulsive and combined type (there are discussions about the compatibility of the inattentive type and hyperactive). Between 50, and 70% of patients diagnosed with ADHD, presents problems of social adjustment and or psychiatric problems in adolescence and young adulthood, although 20-30% continues to suffer from this condition during adulthood. It is essential to analyze the risk factors and cognitive strategies of those affected by ADHD.
It is now commonly accepted, in contrast to previous belief that ADHD often persists into adulthood. The National Co morbidity Survey (NCS) estimates a 3% adult prevalence of ADHD versus about 7% in childhood. Thus, one might conclude that about half the children with ADHD continue to experience those symptoms into adulthood (Conrad, pp. 559-82). If two sets of symptoms overlap 86% of the time, it does not make sense to me to persist in viewing those symptoms as separate, as opposed to one overall set of symptoms. Hence, if there is such a thing as adult ADHD, then people are referring to perhaps 14% (excluding the mood disorder overlap group) of the original 3% prevalence rate, which is 0.42%. What about this group? And what about the course-of-illness studies that indicates that many children with ADHD continue to have those symptoms into adulthood. Such course-of-illness studies are rarely controlled; I have found only one study that had a normal population control. Adults were examined for ADHD-like cognitive symptoms, and then their histories were examined for ADHD in childhood.
What happens to childhood ADHD then? Many people believe that psychiatrists were more correct in the previous belief that it resolves than in people's current belief that it persists. In most of the children, it seems to go away: Perhaps it was related to temporary neurodevelopment disturbances or to psychosocial factors having to do with school or family stressors or the impact of poverty or class. In a minority of children, it persists but is transformed into mood disorders or sometimes anxiety disorders as they typically present in adults. In other words, for such children, ADHD was formed frusta of what later would develop into typical adult mood or anxiety disorders. In either case, there is no independent mental illness in adulthood called adult ADHD that would require separate diagnosis or treatment (Wender, pp.78-98).
Prevalence of ADHD among Adults
The diagnosis of ADHD in adults is based on a history of childhood ADHD. Children with ADHD are at increased risk of certain Co morbidities ...