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Adoption Of E-Commerce And Internet By Modern Uk Based Agricultural Firms: How E-Commerce Can Change Agriculture Sector In Future?

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Adoption Of E-Commerce And Internet By Modern UK Based Agricultural Firms: How E-Commerce Can Change Agriculture Sector In Future?



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Background of the Research Study1

Aims and Objectives of the Research Study1

Problem Statement2

Significance of the Research Study2

Research Questions3


Theoretical Framework4


Benefits of E-commerce6

Trends in Developed countries and Developing countries6



Research Approach9

Research design10

Rationale for a Qualitative Study10

Literature Search10

Instrument for data collection11




Background of the Research Study

The research study is based on the improvements made by the adoption of e-commerce and internet by modern U.K based agricultural firms. The research study also takes into account as to how e-commerce can change agriculture sector in future. The agriculture sector has improved to greater extent with the adoption of the internet services. However, there are various other benefits of the internet services that are offered to the agricultural sector of the United Kingdom. The adoption of the E-commerce within the agricultural firms has enhanced the efficiency of the agricultural firms and has reduced the costs by increasing the productivity of the fertilizers. The need of the fertilizers by different organizations is greatly managed by the agricultural firms that has mainly possible through the adoption of the internet and E-commerce services.

Aims and Objectives of the Research Study

The aims and objectives of the research study are:

To analyze the adoption of E-Commerce and Internet by modern U.K based agricultural firms

To investigate the changes in agricultural sector made by the E-Commerce in future

To analyze the improvements made through the adoption of the e-commerce and internet services by the farmers.

To understand the nature and extent of problems faced by the farmers in the absence of the E-commerce and the internet.

To investigate the factors that has contributed in enhancing the efficiency of the E-commerce and the internet services in the agricultural firms of the United Kingdom.

Problem Statement

The e-commerce has made different changes in the agricultural sector of the United Kingdom and made the modern firms to adopt it in order to improve the agricultural services.

Significance of the Research Study

The research study is based on the adoption of the E-commerce and the internet services by the agricultural firms of the United Kingdom. The research study is important in various perspectives that take into account the improvements made the E-commerce in the agricultural firms in the future. Different factors will be analyzed within the research study that will analyze whether the adoption of the E-commerce and the internet services by the agricultural firms will be beneficial in the future or ...
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