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How Adolescent Females Are Effected By Abuse/Neglect And Poverty


In this study we try to explore concept of “abuse, neglect and poverty” in the holistic context. The main focus of research is on “why there's the high rate in adolescents affected by abuse, neglected and poverty”. Sexual and Physical abuse have been linked to the variety of short-term and long-term outcomes. Studies with adult women have demonstrated that the history of child sexual abuse is related to later psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Long-term effects also include the collection of interpersonal difficulties such as feelings of isolation, poor self-esteem, distrust, and repeated victimization. Similarly, victims of adult sexual assault exhibit the broad spectrum of problems. Studies have documented that adult sexual assault victims evidence more psychological difficulties than non victims. Specifically, symptoms of despondency, anxiety, somatization, matter misuse, and posttraumatic tension disorder are often discovered in victims of mature person sexual assault.

Table of Contents



Problem statement5


Rationale of study5

Aims and objectives6

Research questions6


Prevalence of Abuse and Neglect8

Perpetrators and Families in which Neglect Occurs9


Research design11

Qualitative Research11

Research Instruments (only for Primary Research)12


Questionnaire (only for Primary Research)12


Independent variables14

Dependent variable14

Control Variable15

Sample Size (only for Primary Research)15


Chapter 1: Introduction


The definition of abuse and neglect is difficult to determine even within the particular country. For example, Joaquín De Paúl and Olaya González (2001) note that before 2001 professionals in Spain could not reach an agreement concerning how one should classify child maltreatment cases: There was no commonly used definition of child abuse and neglect. Given many cultural and societal influences affecting way in which the country defines abuse, defining abuse globally is obviously the formidable task, although definitions of abuse and neglect do contain commonalities across countries. Child maltreatment includes both abuse and neglect of the child, two different types of problems with slightly different causes, perpetrators, and outcomes. Furthermore, abuse occurs in the number of different forms including physical abuse, psychological maltreatment, and sexual abuse. These categorizations of misuse are equitably widespread across cultures.

Physical abuse often is described as the situation in which the child sustains injury due to willful acts of an adult. This type of abuse can be defined very loosely, where abuse is defined as ill-treatment of children. However, definition may be as specific as stating that injuries are inflicted by particular acts such as hitting, biting, kicking, or slapping; and/or occur through use of objects such as belts, sticks, rods, or bats. These more specific definitions are usually result of laws created to protect children. In many countries, definition of physical abuse involves presence of the physical mark created by intentional physical contact by an adult. One advantage of clear definitions is that they result in the more accurate reporting of physical abuse to authorities (Kasim 2001).

Problem statement

The problem of study is to find how adolescent females are affected by abuse/neglect and poverty.


Females comprise almost one-third (29%) of all juvenile arrests, about one-third (34%) of arrests for property crimes, and less than one-fifth ...
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