Administrative Ethics: Assisted Suicide In The U. S. Health Care

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Administrative Ethics: Assisted suicide in the U. S. Health Care

Administrative Ethics: Assisted suicide in the U. S. Health Care


The paper attempts to discuss the concept of assisted suicide, also known as Euthanasia, in a holistic context. Euthanasia has been the subject of debate for a considerably long duration of time and the laws regarding its applicability in certain conditions have changed with the passage of time. At times it has been considered legal in certain conditions, while in some periods it has completely been prohibited. The legal aspects of its applicability are also highlighted. Apart from that, the paper also mentions the various days and periods in which the concept of assisted suicide was made applicable or approved by the court in various states of the United States of America. Furthermore, the paper enlightens the moral as well as the ethical considerations in accordance with assisted suicide.


For many years the topic of euthanasia is controversial in society. Attention to the issue of euthanasia has increased with the development of social progress, and in particular - the technology life support of seriously ill people (Bolton, & Robinson, 2010). The relevance of this topic is difficult to overestimate, first, because it is associated with the most expensive thing a person - with his life, and secondly - because of poor knowledge of the problem, its lack of lighting in the work of scientists Lawyers and the almost complete absence of the legal acts in the country's legislation (Edwards, 2010).

Numerous debates on this issue have constantly been erupting among doctors, lawyers, psychologists, politicians, and religious leaders. However, a clear answer to the question of the justification of the practice of euthanasia, and you cannot hear (Edwards, 2010).

Euthanasia - Assisted Suicide

The events of the past year only emphasize not reduce the issue of euthanasia. In early 2005, in the United States of America a heated debate around the death of an American Terri Schiavo, who was 15 years in a coma caused by a near-death and subsequent irreversible changes in the brain (the effects of severe stroke)? By decision of the Court of the State of Florida, which was basically aimed to suit her husband Terry Michael Schiavo, she was disconnected from the artificial food. This meant a delayed death of the patient for a fortnight. After that decision, the court all of America is actually split into two camps of supporters and opponents of a kind of “soft euthanasia.” (MacLeod, Wilson, & Malpas, 2012)

So, from the very existence of any fact of death in human existence results in two most important features of morality that defines its very content. Distinguishing the two independent sets of problems is the experience of the fact of death (wider disease, suffering) - a close and dear and loved one (projected as noted long ago, death, sickness, suffering) generated in the human psyche such as feelings of pity, compassion, mercy. When it comes to the sphere of relations “parent-child” here joins another sense - a sense ...
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