Create Collaboration with Other Research Centers10
Action Learning Project: Somali Data Center
"Under normal conditions, Somalia is one of the poorest and most food insecure countries in the world and these are not normal conditions. It is a humanitarian crisis - it is a food crisis, a water crisis, a health crisis and a protection crisis."
Somali immigrant has set their homes in Minnesota, United States. In two decades, almost 25,000 Somalis have moved in the United States. Many non-governmental organizations and agencies are working for the recognition of this continuously growing population and there welfare. For their rights protection and their success, it is necessary to understand their rights and provide them with proper guidelines to support them and help them get out of economic and social problems (Bardach, 2012).
There were many problems which were faced by these immigrants. Their lives were in danger, they are not developing economically, socially they were left behind, and their schools were not developed. Thus, their children, adults, and families everyone was suffering. This was because, they were not accepted in the society, their rights were not protected, and they no proper attention was given to them (Durbin, 2012). Thus, for the betterment of the society and the Somalis, I would like to highlight the problems and their respective solutions, through critical evaluation, historical data, strategic decisions and organizational layout.
The Problem
There is a list of problems which Somalis are facing. It has been observed that the problem is not only with the society, but within the families, as well. This is because of the fact, migration. It is the main reason of the disorganization of the systems and the individual role too. The intense effect of traumatic experiences increased their problem and their living. There was a post-traumatic stress which was figured out in the peasants of the refugees. The children suffered the most as their education along with their childhood nurturing has lost the real meanings, and they do not know their direction (Durbin, 2012). They are unaware of what they are supposed to do, this was the worst contributor in their nature, and this attitude was creating violence. The Somalia is considered as the hub of the terrorism, violence and wars since the early 1900's. They were facing health issues, and no proper hospitals are there to cure them. They are unemployed, or if employed, their wages are almost minimal. The women over there are facing hardships in their livings. They are not respected. They are working as maids or breadwinners (Heifetz, 2002).
There is a long list of issues; however, our mission is to focus on the development of the refugees, their rights protection ...