Achilles fights for the Greeks. Achilles knows that he is destined to be killed in a war. When Achilles' close and loyal friend Patroclus is cruelly and disgracefully murdered in the combat; Achilles decides to put away his pride temporarily and forgets his previous arguments with Agamemnon that prevented him to engage in the battle directly. Achilles joins Agamemnon army to kill the person who murdered Patroclus. In this scenario, the desire for vengeance could be considered as imperfection of character.
Achilles showed vengeful and bloodthirsty. He kills Hector in a manner that can be considered pointlessly brutal and barbaric. Achilles makes Hector to die a sluggish and excruciating death and after which Hector's body is blatantly harmed. These acts are surely consistent with the heroic context according to the code of Greeks, which allows such merciless punishment in the battle field. However, in the later context Achilles returns Hectors body on Priam's request so that Hector father can bury his son properly. Achilles only highlighted two of the qualities of being a Greek hero which were courage and combat accuracy. Main objective was the realization of honor and glory through the reckless courage (Hazel, 115).
Achilles was very angry when Agamemnon took Briseis away from him. As a reaction, he refused to fight, which resulted in a huge loss for Greeks. As Achilles was the best Greek fighter. The Greeks began to lose as Achilles was not fighting. Patroclus had an idea. He was Achilles' best friend. He put Achilles' armor and began to fight. The opponents thought that Achilles returned to the battle. Greeks won considerably. Unfortunately, Patroclus died while fighting the Trojans. Achilles became ashamed of the act when he came to know about Patroclus' death. He became ready to fight again. Greeks started to win again. Hector, the best fighter of Troy came to fight Achilles. After a great fight, Achilles killed Hector and continued his winning streak (Hazel, 115).
Achilles became mature form a bloodthirsty warrior to a reserved and thoughtful man. He was semi-god because her mother was a goddess but his father is mortal. He had the greatest battling ability among all Trojan and Achaean warriors. He displays bravery in the battlefield. Achilles thought to be worth of a whole armed detachment in the battlefield. He was thought to be ruthless and unstoppable murdering force by the opponents and mates.