Accommodations For Students Disabilities

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Accommodations for Students Disabilities

Accommodations for Students Disabilities


In any academic platform or institute there are individuals belonging to various different backgrounds and various different personality traits. In addition, the capabilities, potential and abilities of individuals also vary. However, amongst these students exists various individuals that lack in some of the very basic skills. The important thing to note is that these students do not lack in any way because of lack of efforts. In fact, many of these students have to deal with their disabilities inherited naturally or the ones they have evolved with the passage of time. There are disabilities of various natures that students may possess. These include both physical and mental disabilities. However, the important aspect that needs to be discussed is whether these students are provided the support and guidance to deal with these disabilities by their respective institution. One of the most common disabilities is known as Dyslexia and appropriate measures needs to be taken in order to provide the necessary motivation and encouragement to these students.


Dyslexia can be considered as a very broad term. It can be defined as a learning disability that affects an individual's comprehension accuracy or fluency in the simple exercise of reading. This disability can further lead to difficulties in various other areas that includes slow processing speed, phonological awareness and various other language skill aspects (Faecett, 2001).


In America alone, 15-20% of the population that is one in five of every student has a learning disability. Of these, Dyslexia is the most common. According to NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress), approximately 38% of fourth graders students are known to be dyslexic with reading skills below basic criterion. On average, 14.5 to 43.5 million adults and children are known to have dyslexia, which makes it difficult for them to spell, write and read. Moreover, the social aspects that are most likely to be affected by the disabilities further emphasize on the need of the motivation and accommodation of these dyslexic students in their institutes (Balido-Dean, 2010).

Five Common Characteristics of a Student with Dyslexia

Identifying Dyslexia in an individual is not a very difficult task. In fact, in majority of the individuals, Dyslexia is identified in the very begging years of their education. Teachers and instructors can point out a dyslexic students by considering some of the basic characteristics that includes,

Reading Impairments

This is one of the most obvious characteristic to identify Dyslexia in a student. Dyslexic students are known to have problems in phonological awareness and phonological decoding. Therefore, the confusion in recognizing, differentiating and pronouncing various alphabets are the basic obstacles in proper reading for these students.

Writing Impairments

Problems in writing are another obvious characteristic of Dyslexia. Hence, orthographic coding is most likely to be affected in dyslexia. While writing, confusing alphabets with similar appearance such as “t” or “j” causes various dictation errors and results in other associated consequences.

Spelling and Dictation

Errors in dictations and spellings are the undoubtedly the third most common characteristic of dyslexia in a ...
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