Academic Skills For Accounting

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Academic Skills for Accounting

Personal Development Plan

Personal Development Program is a work program with the aim of improving the performance of a small number of competencies identified in relation to:

Priority responsibilities of the role

Gap between Required Skills and Skills Possessed


Individual Motivations

Personal Development Plan



SKILLS REQUIRED: My skills requirement for which I have designed the personal development plan are effective time management and effective organization.

Development of Skills

It is important for a person in any field to keep himself update with what goes around in the field. In order to make myself employable, it is highly imperative that I should outshine the rest of the lot and manage my time accordingly. Hence, I understand that there is a need for me to develop my skills (William 2006, 1-4). Time, we always seem to miss, especially when we have to manage work, family, as well as home. Yet, just a good organization few rules assure an effective time management.


For the purpose of prioritizing, ideas must be clear and I do not have to scatter in my task. I shall have to set achievable goals for not wasting time. Also, one must not invest his time not only in the workplace. Social success is important, but also our personal development. The key is to make lists of things I need to manage according to their importance.

Each week, a to do list should be established. Then, these tasks must be sorted according to Eisenhower matrix: what is important and urgent, urgent and not important, not urgent and important, not urgent and not important. This last category of tasks should be delegated. To determine the importance and urgency of an element, explains Eliiyi et al. (2010, 6211-6233), it must always be connected to its function, the scope of its position and its obligations.


Delegation also seems difficult, is an effective strategy to manage time and work accordingly. One must agree to rely on others. At the office, colleagues are effective on which one can rely and delegate some of the activities. At home, it's going in the same direction. Put your partner or your children, if you have to contribute. The tip is to dispatch tasks between trusted people around you. Better organization will allow you to do other things.

Chase Time Thieves

Parasites of time come from both the outside and inside the company. To be master of time, it is better to sort or avoid these parasites. What bothers most, explains Eliiyi et al. (2010, 6211-6233)is visited by an employee who comes with a new problem, and therefore are additional tasks. To avoid this, set up visitation schedules and communicate them to your employees, while remaining accessible in an emergency. In short, the manager should not be afraid to be alone to deal with sensitive issues. Another great thief of time is the telephone. The mobile phone must be considered as a mailbox, and nothing more, said MacCann et al. (2012, 618-623). Filter calls to fixed-line; rely on your assistant or a colleague ...
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