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An alcoholic beverage is a drink containing ethanol. Alcohol is a neurochemical inhibitor and therefore produces a depressant effect in those who drink it. Alcoholic drinks are classified into three broad classes: beer, wine, and distilled spirits. Excessive alcohol use is relatively common and associated with a number of adverse health outcomes, a number of policies and laws have been put in place that seek to prevent and reduce these harmful consequences. Therefore it is needed to totally discourage alcohol advertisement ads that are motivating youth to drink such types of beverages. In this paper, it is focused on the alcohol disadvantages that are impacting not only people but upcoming generation too. The purpose of this paper is to put banned on alcohol ads that encourages alcohol drinking.

Alcohol advertising should be banned


Recent data from the United States show that more than half of the population 12 years and older drank alcohol in the past month. About 7 percent reported drinking heavily, and 23 percent reported binge drinking. In life one is always prompted to make the right decisions; however there is always a factor that guides or misguides ones decision, this factor been the media. In advertising alcohol, it is not only increasing the public's awareness of this substance, but also creating a situation in which upcoming young ones are led to think that Alcohol is a good thing.


The paper's first argument would focus mainly on public awareness. Public awareness can come from many different ways; however, a recent study by frontier lifeline states that "electronic media is a powerful means of information and communication to the public, regardless of whichever strata of society they belong to. Media communication is indeed a great leveler and undoubtedly the best means of educating the public" With this been said, it is necessary to look at the fact that advertising alcohol does increase its publicity as well as an increase in its usage. By banning the advertisement of alcohol, it decreased the Usage of alcohol in society youth as well.

The other main argument of the paper directs attention to the means of advertisement and the information advertised. Alcohol producers advertise substances that seems appealing to the human senses without telling the viewers the risk associated with this substance. By banning ads does not mean banning alcohol usage as a whole, but banning the advertisement to limit the amount of people who are entices by these beverages. Upcoming generation's young ones would no longer crave the drink that when advertise seems to cure all problems.

Society young ones are naive and easily influenced by the media. The fact that alcohol advertisement is available to these children makes it even more dangerous to continue this practice. Allowing the advertisement of alcohol not only increase their craving for the substance but leads to an early drinking age thus leading to drunk driving and drunken accidents.

Many studies show that teens that are advertised to alcohol are more likely to drink. Alcohol advertisement must be banned for the ...
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