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Abraham Lincoln

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Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln


Almost every American can tell you who he was and what his famous contributions were as president. The man is Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States of America. He was the famous leader during the historic Civil War from 1860 to his assassination in 1865. Abraham Lincoln was a great American leader for the time. His leadership to preserve the Union was remarkable, the proclamations and military commands he made were brilliant, and his amazing speaking power is a quality all great speakers have. Lincoln's fame probably surpasses all other leaders in American history. When the Civil War broke out he held the country together at all costs. (Sullivan 2000)

During the war, trying to save the Union tested his leadership abilities. He worked constantly, eighteen hours a day that left little time for other aspects of his life. His biggest and most important goal in his presidency was to preserve the Union that he led so completely and greatly. It is shown in this quote from Lincoln: “My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slaves, I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some slaves and leaving others alone I would also do that." In fact when the construction of the dome on the Whitehouse was being built, Lincoln said that it should be finished to show how the Union is still strong in his lead. (Sullivan 2000)

Body: Discussion and Analysis

The military genius and the friend of freedom are two names associated with Lincoln. During the Civil War, giving order was something that occupied him greatly and he had great importance to the Union army. How much he contributed to the success of the Union war effort is a question that has divided military experts ever since they begun to refight the Civil War. But without a doubt Military authorities find no fault with Lincoln's first big decision he made as Commander in Chief. It was his decision in regard to Fort Sumter, where he "forced the Confederates to become the aggressors and to fire on the national ensign," Lincoln "created a united North." (Wayne 2000)

Lincoln's second decision as the Union president made his reputation as the leader stronger because military authorities endorse this decision as well. His order to blockade just one week after the shelling of Fort Sumter, was Lincoln's own idea. The blockade put tremendous pressure of the seapower to bear against the south. The south had to realize that Lincoln was no ordinary foe. The great leader had taken action again. Lincoln made recommendations that he strictly enforced to General McClellan in these steps: tighten the blockade, drill the volunteers at Fort Monroe, hold Baltimore, strengthen the forces in the Virginian mountains and in Missouri, reorganize the Manassas ...
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