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Policy regarding reduction in Abortion rate

Abortion rate in America is reaching alarming levels and even safe sex practices are being promoted, abortion still remains a dangerous process. The real focus of this paper is to prevent health and safety hazard caused to women because of abortion. We need to have an extensive program to refrain people from opting for abortion as far as possible, and to make abortion safe and hazardless if it is mandatory.

When deliberating on sensitive social topics such as abortion, most of the people cling onto a rigid idea and employ it to contradict every argument presented against point of view. For example, a person in support of abortion might be reluctant to inquire about the right of a woman to her own body. On contrary, a person against abortion might be averse to move past the assertion that abortion is a murder in simplest terms. Abortion may or may not be a murder, but the debate on such topics brings deadlocks more than the solutions to reduce the impact of the real issue. The cause of the real perplexity on the issue of abortion is the human predisposition to accept or reject fundamental moral standards without sufficient examination. Each year approximately 40 million abortions performed worldwide. About half of these abortions are illegal and conducted in unsafe place. Each year approximately 40 million abortions performed worldwide. About half of these abortions are illegal and unsafe place. 70,000 million women and girls are dying unnecessarily and have millions in bad to very serious complications in hospitals are included. Unsafe abortions for girls and young women in particular create serious health problems. In Africa, 59% of unsafe abortions take place in girls between 15 and 24 years. This shows that girls and young women are so desperate to have unwanted pregnancies because they're willing to health and life risking. The lack of legal services accessible through the stigma and taboo sexuality of young people and a lack of money to a safe abortion to pay remaining there for girls and young women often nothing more than this. (Vernture,2008)

Why is there an enduringly high rate of abortion in the USA? According to my point of view it is simply that there are a lot of people who want to have unlimited sexual encounters without incurring any liability. This might be teasing and blunt but it is a grass root reality. According to an estimate half of the pregnancies conceived in the USA are unintended pregnancies. There were 3.1 million in 2001 alone, the last year for which data are available. There has been no change in the recent past; these statistics were the same in 1994. One of every two women aged 15-44 in the United States has experienced at least one unintended pregnancy. What is responsible for the unacceptably high incidence of unintended pregnancy and what can be done to reduce this incidence? (Guttmacher, 2008)

The best way to reduce abortion rate is by reducing the frequency of unwanted ...
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